Special concessions/incentives for Central Government employees in Kashmir Valley exte…
8th Central Pay Commission – Chairman, Members and Timelines – Govt’s Reply in Parlia…
Kayveeyes Daily Rules Recap (Both in English & Tamil) -32 Double Transport Allow…
Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 24. Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 :
GDS Promotion, Eligible service, Educational Qualification, Pay level and Basic Pay
GURU’S DAILY INSIGHT Composite allowance to GDS Directorate letter no.17-31/2016-GDS…
GURU’S DAILY INSIGHT Combined duty allowance to GDS Directorate letter no.17-31/2016…
Consolidated instructions on Risk Allowances to Central Government employees.- DoPT d…
Staff Rulings : 17. HRA & Staff Quarters 5
Grant of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Department of Posts- Revi…
Staff rulings - 3 Pay Fixation on promotion, training period, qualifying service,…
Grant of Dearness Allowance to CGE - Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2024 : DOP Or…
Dearness Allowances (DA) Rates for Government Employees - 7th CPC Notification on 25/…
Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB) Calculation
Postal Assistant (PA) / Sorting Assistant (SA) Pay Calculation 2024
Dearness Allowances (DA) Rates for Government Employees - 7th CPC Notification on 25/…
Pay and Allowances of newly appointed MTS
The revised rate of HRA 10%, 20% and 30% incorporated in the SAP HRMS Module on 13/06/…
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