Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 24. Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 :
Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 14. Stepping up of pay of a senior on promotion to a …
GDS பதிலிகளுக்கு மாதாந்திர ஊதியமா? தினக்கூலியா? பதிலிகளுக்கான TRCA எப்படி நிர்ணயிப்பத…
Revision/Change of option in Pay Fixation
Option to switch over to 7th CPC at least for one year ie. 25.7.2017. Rejected!
This is the only case pending in the Supreme Court on grant of notional incr…
Sir, I am making this communication in reference to Office Memorandum bearing No.4…
Subject: Clarification on change of date of next increment (DNI) in terms of Rule-10…
Department of Expenditure Lr No. 04-21/2017-IC/E.III.A dt 04.07.2023 –
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பேரிடி - ஊழியர்க்கு Option மறுப்பு! Rule 5க்கு விளக்கம் சரியா?
Clarification about app. of Rule 5 in revised option under Rule10 of CCS RP Rules|A r…
Dear Colleagues, Clarification was sought by the Postal Directorate from D…
Applicability of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - Cla…
Gramin Dak Sevaks (Grant of financial upgradation) Scheme, 2024 on completion of 12,…
Grant of Notional Increment - Implementation of various court orders - South Central …
Notional Increment to June 30th retirees - Whether Govt decides to defer implementati…
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