LTC Advance was granted but leave not sanctioned for availing the Home Town LTC at…
As per the DG(P) No.4-7 (MACPS)/2019-PCC dt 22.12.2021 the position of application…
Even though the official has completed 20 years of service in PA cadre, the third MAC…
There is a chance of a mistake in the valuation of answer papers in the Departmental…
In many divisions the treasury panel is not being made as per the rules. The station …
The post of Divisional/ Brach secretary becomes vacant due to the exit from the u…
Some divisional/ branch secretaries are asking me to post a model notification for ho…
Many divisional secretaries are asking me to post a model representation for change…
Widowed daughter is eligible for family pension. Her name may be co authorised in the…
Due to non verification of community certificate confirmation order has not been issue…
Many friends have asked to post a model draft for the declination of LSG promotion in…
Target torture - One GDS has been proceeded as if he loudly raised his voice in fr…
Draft format of Representation against proposed RRs of PS Group "B" Download…
One charge sheet was issued for a minor lapse against the official and after submis…
One major SB fraud had taken place in one BO and the fraud was unearthed after 13 ye…
Model Representation – Appeal against APAR entries written by an officer who is clos…
Sub:Appeal against continuance of suspension beyond 90 days without Review by the Rev…
In one division MACP was denied by taking into consideration of non-communicated APAR…
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