Instructions regarding execution of EOY activities for 2024-25 in Finacle CBS offices
Instructions regarding execution of EOY activities for 2024-25 in Finacle CBS offices
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ hosts
Handling of HDMS tickets - CEPT Instructions
Solutions received from CEPT for common errors pertaining to new patch deployed for b…
Check out "What's New" for this version of POS and Back Office below.
Scheduled SAP Maintenance Activity
Copy the following code from SAPOSTS Blog and execute from CMD folder in administra…
GURU’S DAILY INSIGHTS =18 What is the Difference between System Administrators and S…
Delete Browsing History & Cache Clearing Procedure in Internet Explorer - Finacle …
L 1 Fingerprint Registered Device Scanners for Bio-Metric Authentication (UIDAI)
Internet Explorer (IE) Settings for Post Office FINACL, IPPB FINACLE & McCAMISH
Download the hosts from the below link and replace the same in the location of C:\Win…
CBS Account Opening and Closing Report Generation Tool in CBS Finacle Environment f…
This tool can be used for bulk GL posting in SAP using ZBF07. It can convert McCam…
Guidelines on Passbook Printer Setting in PLQ20 Printer
Mccamish 4.4v Tool to generate text file for GST on default (Applicable for Tamilnadu…
Version 4.1 will allow the last balance reports of SBBAS, SSA and SBGEN only.. Some o…
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