




1.         Night Post Office may extend up to  and by


a)         0830 pm ,DG posts                b)       0700pm,HOC 

c)         1000pm, PMG                         d)       0600pm,SSP                                    Ans: a


2.         Franking machine has


a)         Value die                              b)         License die

c)         Both a&b                              c)         None of this                                      Ans :c


3.         Franking article can be posted by

            a)         Any post office                     b)         Only two post office

c)         Head office                           d)         All sub offices                                   Ans :b


4.         Franking machine license is issued by


            a)         Head of the circle                b)         Head of the division

            c)         DG posts                                d)         Any of these                                     Ans :b


5.         Window delivery ticket is a


            a)         Daily docket                          b)         The receipt given by po     

c)         ID of Franking machine licensee’s representative d)   None of these Ans :c


6.         Rebate available at the time of reset of meter is


            a)         2%                                          b)         3%     

c)         5%                                          d)         none of these                                   Ans :b


7.         Error on franking impression the refund will be claimed by firm/institute within_____ and ___ of less deduction.


            a)         two month, 2%                      b)         three month, 4%

            c)         one month, 5%                     d)         six month,      1%                              Ans: c


8.         Franking meter reset will be made by


            a)         PA                                           b)         Postman       

            c)         LSG postmaster                    d) PRI and above status                             Ans : d


9.         More than one impression of value die but not more than 1 licensee die allowed.


            a)         Correct                                   b)         Incorrect                                             Ans :a


10        Prepayment of postage on cash facility is authorized by and how much letter may be posted to have these facility.


            a)         HOC, UR-500 big city and 250 small city, Reg -50

            b)         DG post, UR-1000 big city and 500 small city, Reg -100

            c)         Head of the division UR-5000 big city and 1000 small city, Reg -500

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans :a


11.       Recall of postal article fee for each article is


            a)         9/-                                            b)         6/-       

c)         3/-                                            d)         Free of cost                                       Ans :b

(in shape of postage)


12        Window delivery will be made in case of insured article vale is more than


            a)         500                                         b)         100

            c)         200                                         d)         No limit                                               Ans :a



13.       Limit of detain article in post office which are received for delivery inland  & foreign article


            a)         15 days and 30 days           b)         7 and 15 days

            c)         30 days and 45 days           d)         None of these                                   Ans :b


14.       Fee for availing post box facility is


            a)         150 per year and 50 per quarterly,            b)         250 per year / 100 quarterly

            c)         100 per year / 50 quarterly              d)         None of these           Ans :a


15.       Fee for availing facility of box and post bag is combine is


a)         150 per year and 50 per quarterly,            b)         250 per year / 80 quarterly

            c)         100 per year / 50 quarterly              d)         None of these           Ans :b


16.       Cost of window delivery ticket is


            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-

            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :d


17.       Cost of Identity card is


            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-

            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :a


18.       Validity period of ID card is


            a)         1 Year                                    b)         2 Year           

            c)         Six month                  d)         3 year                                                             Ans: d


19.       Postal Restante article can be detained in post office


            a)         7 days                                    b)         1 month

            c)         15 days                      d)         Can not be detain                                     Ans :b


20.       Redirection fee of parcels within delivery area /original address  and sender in case of unclaimed parcel is


            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-

            c)         3/-                                d)         free of cost                                                    Ans: d


21.       Redirection fee of parcels except delivery area /original address is


            a)         Postage plus registration fee         b)         Full postage

c)         Half  the prepaid rate                       d)         Free of cost                           Ans: d


22.       Suggestion & complaint book are maintained by


            a)         HO                              b)         BO     

            c)         Circle office               d)         All post office                                                            Ans: d


23.       Size limit of ID card is


            a)         88mmX 63mm                      a)         100mmX 70mm

            c)         11mmX 22mm                      d)         None of these                                   Ans: a


24.       Instruction regarding change of residence is valid for


            a)         1 month         b)         1 year

            c)         3 month         d)         5 year                                                                         Ans: c


25.       Authority to whom complaint should be addressed


            a)         Local Supdt.and PM in case  first class PO.       b)         HOC

            c)         DG Posts                                                                   d)         PMG               Ans: a




26.       Circle complaint officer is


            a)         Vigilance officer                   b)         CPMG

            c)         PMg                                        d)         Head of division                               Ans: a

(Vigilance officer has attached to the HQ of each circle)


27.       Period within complaints should be prepared in case of VP, loss /damage of regd& ins article, other complaint related to inland post, miscarriage /destruction of postal order & SP is


            a)         12 month, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 1 month

            b)         24 month, 6 month, 9 month, 1 month, 2 month

            c)         36 month, 1 month, 6 month, 9 month, 2 month

            d)         6 month, 3 month3 month, 9 month, 1 month                                        Ans: a


28.       legal responsibility of post office is exempted from


            a)         Any fault by individual

b)         Loss, mis delivery or delay of , or damage to, any postal article in course of transmission by post

c)         wrong payment or delay in payment by foreign postal administration of money order issued in India.

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans : d


29.       Article addressed to deceased person


a)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied  for them in case uninsured article.

b)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for             them in case do not appear to contain any valuable property

c)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for             them in case no counter –claimant or likelihood of dispute.

d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans; d


30.       Size limit of letter  and roll is


            a)         Min11X7cm & max 60X90cm,   min 10X17cm & max 88X100cm

b)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm

c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm

d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans : a


31.       Size limit of Inland letter card folded and unfolded is


            a)         Min15.2X9cm & max 21X10cm,   min 28.2X18.2cm max 30X21cm

b)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm

c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm

d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans : a


32.       Post card of private manufacture size limit is


a)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm

b)         Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm  min 10X7 cm

c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm

d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: b


33.       Recorded delivery fee and intimation fee is


            a)         3, 4                                          b)         5,6

c)         2,1                                           d)         None of these                                   Ans: c


34.       Complaint can be made in case of recorded delivery is within


            a)         One month                            b)         Six month

            b)         Two month                            d)         Cannot be made                              Ans: b



35.       Fee for availing business reply service


            a)         Apr to Jun -100, Jul to Sep-75, Oct to Dec-50, Jan to Mar -25

b)         Apr to Jun -200, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-100, Jan to Mar -50

            c)         Apr to Jun -250, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-75, Jan to Mar -50

            d)         Free of cost                                                                                                   Ans: b


36.       Book packet may contain


            a)         News papers, publications of all kinds,

            b)         Printed books, paper, parchment

            c)         Cardboard either blank or printed

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans: d


37.       Size limit of book packet roll and other than roll is


            a)         Min 10X17 cm & max 80X100,   10X7 cm & 60X30X30 cm

b)         Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm  min 10X7 cm

c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm

d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: a


38.       The weight limit of book packet is


            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; d


39.       The weight limit of book packet containing periodicals is


            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; d


39.       The weight limit of book pattern and sample packets  is


            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; b


40.       The weight limit blind literature packet   is


a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         7 kg                                                     Ans; d


41.       The following charge are exempted to blind literature packet


            a)         Registration                                                  b)         Fee  for ackn

            c)         Fee for the attested copy of receipt           d)         All the above             Ans :d


42.       License for Registered newspaper is issued by


            a)         DG Posts                               b)         Head of the circle

            c)         SSP/SP                                 d)         PMG                                                   Ans: c


43.       Security fee for availing registered newspaper facility is daily newspaper- 1 month cost, weekly- 10 week cost, fortnightly- 21/2 moth cost,  monthly- 2 month cost.


a)         Above statement is true      b)         Above statement is false                Ans: a


44.       Late fee for renewal of  regd news paper is


.           a)         5/-                                b)         6/-

            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :a


45.       Renewal charge of reg news paper is


            a)         5/-                                b)         6/-

            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :d




46.       Parcel can be sent by UR up to


            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans :a


47.       Parcel can be booked at BO is


            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         10 kg                                                  Ans:d


48        Parcel can be booked at SO is


.           a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg

            c)         20 kg                                      d)         10 kg                                                  Ans:c


49.       Max size limit of parcel is


            a)         Length 1 mtr and length and girth is 1.80mtr

            a)         Length 2 mtr and length and girth is 1.900mtr

a)         Length 3 mtr and length and girth is 1.20mtr

a)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:a


50.       No compensation will be payable in case


            a)         For loss or damage caused by the fault or negligence of the sender

            b)         Article is prohibited by transmission by post

c)         For damage in case in which the contents of the registered article are liquid or perishable articles or articles of and exceptionally fragile nature.

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans d


51.       In which cases registration is compulsory


            a)         Any parcel exceed 4 kg      b)         Any insured article

            c)         Any VP article                       d)         All the above                                     Ans:d


52.       Insured article limit in case currency note and any value of article


            a)         1,00,000 & 10,000                b)         20,000 & 1,00,000

            c)         10,000 & 50,000                   d)         None of these                                   Ans: b


53.       The following articles can be transmitted by air without any additional charge


            a)         Parcel                                     b)         All first class mail and money order

            c)         Book packet                          d)         All the above                                     Ans: b


54.       Limit to branch office for booking of insured article is


            a)         1,00,000                                 b)         20,000

            c)         600                                         d)         No limit                                               Ans: c


55.       The following cases insurance is compulsory when article contain


            a)         Coin                                       b)         Currency      

            c)         Jewellery                               d)         All the above                                     Ans : d


56.       The prepayment of all charges on insured articles namely postage, registration and insurance fee is compulsory


            Above statement is

            a)         True                                        b)         False                                                  Ans a







57.       VP article can be booked up to


            a)         2000                                       b)         5000  

            c)         20000                                     d)         No limit                                               Ans:b


58.       Demurrage charge on VP article is recovered from addressee after


            a)         3 days                                                b)         7 days

            c)         30 days                                  d)         None of these                                   Ans: b


59.       Demurrage charge on  letter and parcel is Rs


            a)         2,3                                           b)         6,9

            c)         1,2                                           d)         No demurrage                                  Ans     a


60.       Enquiry /complaint of VP article fee is


            a)         5                                              b)         3

            c)         1                                              d)         Free of cost                                       Ans     c                                                                                                                        (in shape of stamp)

61.       Alteration of Post office of money order fee is          


            a)         5                                              b)         3

            c)         1                                              d)         Free of cost                                       Ans     d


62.       Alteration of payee name of money order fee is       


            a)         Second commission                        b)         10

            c)         1                                              d)         Free of charge                                  Ans     a


63.       Money order neither paid to payee nor remitter called as


            a)         Dead money order               b)         Void money order

            c)         Cancelled money order      d)         None of these                                   Ans :   b


64.       Money order became void after


            a)         One month                            b)         Two month   

            c)         One year                                d)         Last date of following month         Ans : d


65.       Currency period of IPO


            a)         One  year                               b)         Two year

            c)         Six month                              d)         Three year                                         Ans : b


66.       IPO can be paid on second commission up to         


a)         One  year                               b)         Two year

            c)         Six month                              d)         Three year                                         Ans : d


67.       Book packets containing printed book only rate for 100gm is


            a)         5                                              b)         3

            c)         1                                              d)         4                                                          Ans     c


68.       Book packet containing periodicals registered rate is



Up to 20/-

Rs21 to Rs50

Above Rs50

Up to 100gm




Addl 100gm





69.       Registered newspaper single copy (max 5 kg) rate is

            a)         Up to 50 gm- 0.25                 b)         Exceeding 50 gm to 100gm-0.50

            c)         Addl 100gm- 0.20                d)         All the above  are correct                Ans :d






70.       Registered news paper more than one copy of same issue rate is


            a)         Up to 100gm- 0.50               b)         Addl 100gm is -0.20

            c)         Correct                                   d)         None of the                                       Ans: c


71.       Attested copy of addressee’s receipt charge is


            a)         1                                              b)         2

            c)         5                                              d)         Free of charge                                  Ans :b


72.       Parcel (Max 4 Kg) rate is


            a)         First 500 gm -19                                           b)         Addl 500 gm- 16

            c)         Home delivery fee above 5 kg- Rs 5         d)         All are correct            Ans:d             

73.       Insurance fee is


            a)         Value of ins does not exceed Rs 200/ is  - 100

            b)         Addl Rs 100  is -       6/-

            c)         All the above are correct

            d)         None of these correct                                                                                  Ans : c


74.       Value payable article VP fee is


            a)         Up to 20/-       Rs 2/-              b)         Exceeding 20/- to 50/-  Rs 3/-

            c)         Exceeding 50/-   Rs 5/-        d)         All the above correct                        Ans  d


75.       Late fee for each article registered and un registered is


            a)         3,4                                           b)         3,2

            c)         1,2                                           d)         4,5                                                       Ans : b


76.       Fee for Identity card is


a)         6                                              b)         3

            c)         9                                              d)         10                                                        Ans : c


77.       Air mail fee packets (other than Letters, Postcards and Parcels) is


            a)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 2/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 1/-

            b)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 1/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 2/-

c)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 0.50/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 1/-

d)         Firrst 50gm or fraction thereof 2/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 3/-    Ans: a


78.       Air mail fee for parcel is


            a)         First 50gm  2/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 1/-

            b)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 1/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 2/-

c)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 0.50/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 1/-

d)         First 50gm or fraction thereof 2/-, addl 50gm or faction thereof 3/-     Ans: a


79.       One India one rate speed post charge for 50gm is


a)         17                                            b)         12

            c)         22                                            d)         25                                                        Ans : d


80.       Post offices which function from a specially designed van moving to different fixed point is


            a)         Mobile post office                 b)         Van post office

            c)         Mobile branch post office   d)         Det post office                                  Ans : a


81.       Post  offices in charge of ED agents are kept open for a max period of


            a)         4 hr                                         b)         2 hr    

            c)         3 hr                                         d)         5 hr                                                     Ans :d




82.       A postal franking machine is a stamping machine intended to stamp impressions of dies of approved design on private and official postal articles in payment of


            a)         Postage and postal fee       b)         Handling charges   

            c)         Franking charges                d)         Special fee                                        Ans :a


83.       The licensee is also entitled a commission on the value of frank used


a)         6%                                          b)         3%

            c)         9%                                          d)         5%                                                      Ans : b


84.       A parcel weighing above 10KGs in weight will be delivered only at the


            a)         Through postman                b)         Trough mail van

            c)         Post office window              d)         None of these                                   Ans : c


85.       Articles the addresses of which are so illegible or incomplete as to render delivery impossible are called


a)         Insufficient address article b)         Undeliverable articles

c)         Refused article                     d)         Undelivered articles                                    Ans: b



86.       Articles refused by addresses are called


a)         Insufficient address article b)         Undeliverable articles

c)         Refused article                     d)         Undelivered articles                                    Ans: d


87.       The SP/First class PM may grant compensation to the sender of a regd article  up to


a)         500                                         b)         200

            c)         1000                                       d)         100                                                     Ans : d


88.       Machine franked articles can be posted in letter boxes      above statement is


            a)         True                                        b)         False

            c)         Cannot say                           d)         None of these                                   Ans : b


89.       Identity card are issued by


            a)         Circle office                           b)         Head office

            c)         Branch office                                    d)         All HOs and SOs                              Ans: d


90.       Duplicate Identity card fee is


            a)         Same fresh fee                     b)         Half rate of the fee

            c)         Free of cost                           d)         None of these                                   Ans :a


91.       The franked articles will be tendered at the counter secured in separate bundles and identification of the licensee’s representative must accompanied


            a)         Ration card                           b)         Aadhar card

            c)         Window delivery ticket        d)         Id card                                                Ans: c


92.       with the last dispatch of the day_____ in the prescribed form should also be tendered at the office of posting, duly filled up, signed and dated


            a)         Authority letter                      b)         Daily docket 

            c)         Weekly docket                      d)         None of these                                   Ans : b


93.       Handling charges of envelope for business reply card in addition to postage per article is


            a)         2/-                                            b)         3/-

            c)         1/-                                            d)         Free of charge                                  Ans: c



94.       Bulk bags should be so closed as to enable the post office inspect the contents each bag should weigh not less than ____ and not more than_______


            a)         10Kg & 30 Kg                                   b)         20 Kg & 30 Kg

            c)         5 Kg & 30 Kg                                     d)         5 Kg & 20 Kg                         Ans c


95.       Window delivery ticket is


            a)         Daily docket                                     

b)         The receipt given to post box holder

            c)         Identification of franking machine licensee’s representative

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: c


96.       Any postal article can be redirected


            a)         By the office of posting                   b)         By the office of destination

            c)         By any intermediate office             d)         None of these                       Ans: b(68)


97.         Registered newspaper are accepted without payment of late fee on all days including Sundays and Post Office holiday at


a)         Press sorting office                          b)         RMS offices

c)         Night Post office                              d)         All the above                         Ans:d(C-7)


98.         Articles addressed to the deceased persons


                        a)         Shall be returned to RLO   b)         Shall be deld to he addressee

                        c)         At the discretion of the PM d)         Shall be returned to the sender    Ans:c(10)


99.         Franked article should be


a)         Handed over to Sorting PA                        b)         Handed over to Registration PA

c)         Handed over to Treasurer              d)         Presented at the counter    Ans:d(11)


100     A book packet posted in excess of prescribed size and weight


            a)         Should be returned to the sender

            b)         Should be delivered to the address

            c)         Should be forwarded to the office of delivery after taxing

            d)         Should be forwarded to the foffice of delivery without taxing             Ans: a(127)


101     Franking impression should be a


            a)         Green colour                                     b)         Blue colour

            c)         Red colour                                        d)         Block colour                          Ans:c(11)



102.    An article written with remarks “by regd post” found in the letter box


            a)         To be returned to the sender

            b)         To be forwarded to the addressee by ordinary post

            c)         Handed over to the treasurer        

            d)         Handed over to the registration PA                                                          Ans:a(171)


103.    A registered article addressed to a deceased person shall be treated as


            a)         Refused                                             b)         Unclaimed

            c)         Addressee absent                            d)         None of these                       Ans: b(89)


104.    A green coloured inland letter received for delivery without postage but bears the date stamp of an Army Post Office


            a)         Article should be taxed                   b)         Need not be taxed

            c)         Returned to office of posting         d)         None of these                       Ans: b(54)

(Prepared by AB Kantharaja  Kodagu Dn, Karnataka, presently serving in APS (abkantharaja.blogspot.com) mobile No 08969822340)



105.    Insurance is compulsory, if the article contains


            a)         Gold coins or bullion, currency notes & any other valuable articles

            b)         VP articles below the value of Rs 600/-

            c)         Containing lorry receipts

            d)         All parcels exceeding 4 KG in weight                                                      Ans: a(184)


106.    If franked article is found in letter box


            a)         This should not be transmitted and returned to the sender

            b)         It is to be treated as unpaid article and send to its destination in normal


            c)         Taxed double value                         d)         None of these                       Ans: b(11)


107.    A postal article can be redirected only by


            a)         Any RMS office through which it passes

            b)         Any PO through which it passes

            c)         The office to which it is addressed

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans: c(68)


108.    All articles super scribed to “ to be kept called for “ “ to be await arrival”  is classified as


            a)         Deposit articles                                 b)         Insufficient addresses

            c)         Postal Restante                                d)         Unpaid articles                     Ans: c(64)


109.    Registered newspaper is published at an interval of


            a)         Not more than 15 days                    b)         Not more than a week

            c)         Not more than a year                       d)         Not more than 31 days        Ans:d(139)


110.    Articles can be delivered through post box/post bags


            a)         Fully prepaid unregistered articles           b)         Insufficiently unregd articles

            c)         Taxed articles                                               d)         None of these           Ans: a(55)


111.    Business reply post cards are posted under the order of


            a)         PMG                                                   b)         Head of the circle

            c)         Head of the division                                    d)         Post Master HSG                 Ans:c(117)


112.    First class mails are


            a)         Letters, Book packets and letter card

            b)         Letters, Letter cards, and regd news paper

            c)         Letters, postcards and letter cards

            d)         Letters, Blind literature packets and letter cards                                     Ans: c(98)


113.    Minimum amount to be taxed on unpaid /insufficiently paid article is


            a)         1/-                                                        b)         2/-

            c)         3/-                                                        d)         none of these                       Ans: a(101)


114.    The cost of single MO forms is


            a)         0.50 paise                                          b)         0.25 paise

            c)         0.75 paise                                          d)         free of cost                            Ans: b(215)


115.    The ex- officio chairman of the postal services board is


            a)         Secretary                                           b)         Member of PLI

            c)         Minister of Commn and IT              d)         Member of personnel          Ans:a(1)



116.    The fee payable for acknowledgement card in respect of insured article is


            a)         3/-                                                        b)         1/-

            c)         5/-                                                        d)         Free                                        Ans:d(181)



117.    The fee payable for acknowledgement card in respect of insured article is


            a)         3/-                                                        b)         1/-

            c)         5/-                                                        d)         Free                                        Ans:a


118.    MO addressed to postbox no


            a)         Cannot be booked                           b )        Can be booked only in HO

            c)         Can be booked only in SO             d)         None of these                       Ans: a(55)


119.    Demurrage fee to be collected from the addressee for detaining of VP parcel for 5 days beyond the prescribed period is


            a)         10/-                                                     b)         15/-

            c)         25/-                                                     d)         Free of cost                           Ans:b(194)


120     Personal communication is not allowed in


            a)         Letter                                                  b)         Book packet containing periodicals        

c)         ILC                                                      d)         Parcel                                     Ans:b( 129)


121.    UR articles addressed to C/o PM can be kept in deposit for a maximum period of


             a)        7 days                                                            b)         30 day

            c)         15 day                                                d)         None of these                       Ans: b(65)


122.    Registered articles addressed to a pardanashin woman should be delivered


            a)         Only to pardanashin woman         b)         To any family member

            c)         To the witness who identifies the signature of the pardanashin woman and is      known to the postman              d)         None of these                       Ans:c(39)


123.    A postcard of private manufacture of more than prescribed size and thickness was found in delivery office. The article


            a)         Taxed with double the amount                  b)         Return to office of posting

            c)         Was treated as letter and difference between min postage payable on a letter       and postage already paid was charged           d)         None of these           Ans:c


124.    Charges for a book packet containing blind literature packet weighing 200gms.


            a)         Free of cost                                       b)         Same rate as applicable for book post

            c)                     Same rate as applicable as letter  d)         None of these                       Ans:a(136)


125.    The dept of post under administrative control of


            a)         President of India                            b)         Min of communication

            c)                     CPMG                                                d)         DG Post                                 Ans: d(1)


126.    Post office are divided into


            a)         5 classes                                           b)         4 classes

            c)                     3 classes                                           d)         There is no classification   Ans: c(2)


127.    Regd Newspaper and packet of regd newspaper are accepted on Sundays and PO holidays


            a)         At the concessional rate of postage without late fee    

            b)         At normal postage rates applicable for book post

            c)                     At concessional rates with late fee

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:a(7)


128.    Payment of postage through franking machin impression can be made


            a)         Up to any amount                            b)         Up to 50/-

            c)                     Up to 100/-                                         d)         Up to 500/-                             Ans:a(11)


129.        Money order payable to a person who is not permanent resident within  the jurisdiction of office of payment


a)         Will not be paid                               

b)         Payment will be made only through cheques

c)         Payment will be made only by the postmaster

d)         Can be paid in the normal course on satisfactory proof of identity of the person in the  MO                                                                                                            Ans: d(47)



130.    A renter of postbox can receive


            a)         All fully prepaid unregistered mails addressed to the renter of the postbox

            b)         Article addressed to casual visitors and commercial representatives

            c)         Articles addressed to family member and guest of the renter

            d)         All of above                                                                                                   Ans: d(55


131.    Which one of the following is admissible?


a)         The renter is not entitled to claim refund of the rent paid by him for allotment of

            Post box.

            b)         The renter is not entitled for adjustment of rent paid in r/o a PB against the rent

                        of deposit due in r/o other PB

            c)         Claim can be admitted for refund of rent for a PB if the claim reaches the PM                                before allotment                               d)         None of these                       AnsL c(55)


132.    If a renter of a PB does not clear the letter for a week


            a)         All the letter s received for delivery through the PB will be returned to sender

            b)         A report will be sent to SP

            c)         The article will be dispatched to RLO

            d)         A notice will be issued to renter and articles if not collected even after the  

                        notice  will be delivered through the postman.                                       Ans: d (55)


133.    A person residing within the ordinary beat of postman where PB system is in force


            a)         Can have his letter delivered through the normal channel only

            b)         Can have his letter and other articles delivered regularly at the window of PO

                        free of charge

c)         Can have his letter and other articles delivered at the window of the PO on payment of  regular fee                

d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: b(57)


134.    Postal articles in transparent covers and in open panel envelopes if not confirm to the conditions should be


            a)         Taxed and sent to office of delivery          b)         Sent to RLO

            c)         Returned to Sender                                     d)         None of these           Ans:c(104)


135.    A postcard can not have attachment of


a)         Gummed label bearing name & address of the addressee, a gummed label bearing name and addressed of the sender

b)         Of an addl paper/card attached

c)         Drawing /photograph on thin paper adherent to the card

d)         Another post card intended for a reply card                                            Ans:b(111)


136.    On business reply postal mails, the charge to be collected are


            a)         The actual postage due on the article                    b)       Handling charge

            c)         The usual postage charge plus handling charge d)     None of these Ans c(116)


137.    A book packet may not contain


            a)         Books & complimentary cards                   b)         Printed notices& circulars

            c)         Written communications                             d)         None of these           Ans: c(120)





138.    Book packet containing greeting and invitations are given


            a)         Transmission as applicable to second class mails

            b)         Transmission as applicable to first class mails

            c)         Surface transmission only with first class mails

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(121)


139.    Blind literature packet are not exempted from payment of


            A)        Postage                                                         B)        Registration Fee

            C)        Airmail Charges                                           D)        Fee For Ackn            Ans: c(137)


140.    IPOs are available in


            a)         10 denominations                                        b)         6 denominations

            c)         15 denominations                                        d)         8 denominations      Ans: b(244)


141.    For breach of condition,  book packet containing periodicals will be treated


            a)         As letter and double the deficiency is charged

            b)         As parcel and double the deficiency is charged

            c)         As letter/parcel whichever is less and difference in postage charged

            d)         Will not be transmitted, but returned to sender                                       Ans:c(129)


142.    A post card is treated as violating the conditions for posting


            a)         If any communication is on the address portion

            b)         If the Postcard is cut/altered/folded

            c)         Any attachment other than stamps for payment of postage, label containing

                        name  & address of the sender is attached

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans: d(111)


143.    If a book packet infringe the condition of size and weight


            a)         It will be treated as letter mail and double the deficiency charged

            b)         It will be treated as parcel and double the deficiency charged.

            c)         It will treated as letter/PL mail and double the deficiency charged whichever is less

            d)         Shall be returned to sender after canceling the stamps                       Ans:d(127)


144.    An article is not eligible for concessional rates of Postal tariff under printed books if it contain


            a)         Any book packet containing printed books without advertisement

            b)         Any printed publication published at regular interval

            c)         Books bearing character & inscription reproduced by mean of printing.

            d)         Books containing wholly or substantially reading matter                     Ans: b(128)


145.    The instances in which name & address of sender to be given on outside cover of postal article.


            a)         Insured articles                                 b)         VP article

            c)         A foreign regd letter with AD          d)         All the above                         Ans: d(178)


146.      Money order will be paid to


a.            Parents of the payee, if the payee not present at the address.

b.            Any person or family member residing at the address, if payee not present

c.            Payee of the MO at the address

d.            Wife/husband of the payee                                                                                   Ans: c(147)




148.    Commission payable for Postal Orders of Rs 100/- den is


            a)         3/-        b)         5/-        c)         10/-                 d)         2/-                                Ans: c(244)


149.    The following persons are eligible for PLI


a)            Officials of Private Educational institutions

b)            Any persons residing in india

c)            Officials of state and Central Govt/Govt organizations

d)            Retired govt. Employees                                                                             Ans: c(261)


150.    Persons changing their address should furnish written instructions regarding the disposal of postal articles received to their address


            a)         To the post office at the place which they are leaving

            b)         To the post office the place to which they are going

            c)         To the post offices both at the place which they are leaving and at the place to  

                        which they are going

            d)         To the post man at the place which they are leaving                            Ans:c(72)


151.    Which types of the articles addressed to the renter of PB is not delivered through PB


            a)         Article addressed to legitimate personnel of a firm renting a PB

            b)         Article addressed to casual visitors and commercial representatives staying  

                        with  renter

c)         Articles addressed to family members and guest of the renter

            d)         Insufficiently paid unregistered letter.                                                      Ans: d(55)


152.    Complaints relating to a VP article should be tendered


            a)         The Regional PMG                 b)       At the PO where the VP article was posted

c)         Local SP                                            d)         None of these                       Ans: b(79)


153.    A postal article reposted after having been opened or reposted is

            a)         An unclaimed article                       b)         An article to be redirected

            c)         An article posted for the first time and charge with the postage accordingly 

 d)        An article to be sent to its destination                                                      Ans:c 


154.    Time limit for complaints relating to compensation of insured article is

            a)         3 month from DOP                           b)         6 month from DOP

            c)         1 Year from DOP                              d)         2 Year from DOP                  Ans: a(81)


155.    Articles the addresses of which are so illegible or incomplete as to render delivery impossible bearing the senders address should be


            a)         Returned to office of booking        b)         Returned to the sender if fully                               c)            Destroyed at the office of delivery            d)         prepaid Sent to RLO            Ans:b(71)


156.    Void MO can be paid to the remitter or payee if application is made before expiry of

            a)         6 Month from issue of original MO  b)     12  Month from issue of original MO

            c)         Month from issue of original MO     d)     None of these                        Ans: b(223)





157.    IPO are sold and paid directly at


            a)         HO only                                             b)         HO and SO

            c)         HO, SO and all BOs                                    d)         HO & selected SO                Ans :b(240)


158.    An insured letter insure for Rs 1000/- should be delivered through


            a)         Postman to the addressee only    

b)         Through special messenger

            c)         Postman to the person authorized by addressee

d)         Post office window                                                                                      Ans: d(41)


159.    The highest den of IPO is

            a)         50                                                        b)         5000

            c)         10000                                                 d)         100                                         Ans:d(238)


160.    The charges for stopping payment of MO and for repaying to the remitter is


            a)         10/-                                                     b)         Same commission of MO

            c)         No charge                                         d)         20/-                                         Ans: c(228)


161.    Service for sending parcels and large consignment across the nation and world called is

            a)         Parcel post                                        b)         Media post

            c)         Logistic post                                      d)         Express post                         Ans: c


162.    EMS means


            a)         Electronic mail service                    b)         Express mail service

            c)         E Enabled mail service                   d)         None of these                       Ans: b


163.    MO Videsh is a new offering of India post to facilitate remittances to


            a)         Within India                                      b)         Foreign countries

            c)         Both a anb b                                     d)         None of these                       Ans : b


164.    The e- IOD service would be offered initially with______


            a)         Business Post                                  b)         Logistic Post

            c)         Bill Mail Service                               d)         None of these                       Ans: c


165.    The bar code would contain


            a)         13 character                                      b)         11 character

            c)         16 character                                      d)         12 character                          Ans: a


166.    Undelivered Acknowledgements cards are to be destroyed after:

(a)       15 days                                             (b)       1 month

(c)        4 months                                           (d)       None of the above.             Ans: - (c)


167.    The amount of commission charged on a Service MO amounting to Rs. 1000/- is

(a)       Rs. 25/-                                              (b)       Rs.50/-

(c)        Rs. 100/-                                            (d)        NIL                                         Ans: - (d)




168.    A Family Allotment Money Order is remitted by the: -

(a)       Defence authorities                         (b)      Telecom authorities
(c)        General members of public (         d)        None of the above.              Ans: - (a)


169.    The Broken Amount of an Indian Postal Order can be made up by affixing: -

(a)       3 unused Postage stamps             (b)      4 unused Postage stamps
(c)        5 unused Postage stamps              d)        Not permissible.
Ans: - (a) (Clause-245 PO Guide Part-I)


170.    Limit of VP and ins article for delivery at addressee place is


            a)         100, 500                                             b)         500,1000

            c)         1000,5000                                         d)         No limit                                   Ans a


171.    Max weigh of ILC is


            a)         5 gm                                                   b)         3 gm  

            c)         2 gm                                                   d)         No limit                                   Ans a


172.    Size limit of post card is


            a)         14X9                                                   b)         10X11

            c)         11X9                                                   d)         4X6                                         Ans: a


173.    SAL means


            a)         Service Air Limited                           b)         Surface Air lifted

            c)         Service Air lifted                               d)         None of these                       Ans :b


174.    Application fee for free Post is


            a)         100/-                                                   b)         500/-  

c)         1000/-                                                 d)         5000/-             Ans : c  non refundable

175.    Renewal fee of free post


            a)         100/-                                                   b)         500/-

            c)         200/-                                                   d)         No charge                             Ans : c


176.    Security deposit of free post is


            a)         1000/-                                                 b)         5000/-

            c)         10000/-                                               d)         No charge                 Ans: c(refundable)


177.    Business post tariff is



Business Post rates (in INR)                          effective 14.12.2009




Collection from premises












Inserting (per insertion)



Special handling charges




178.    The minimum quantity of articles to be posted at a time is 5000. Rate of postage will be INR 3.00 for a weight not exceeding 50 grams and INR 2.00 for additional 50 grams or a fraction thereof.


Above statement is              a)         True                            b)         False                          Ans: a


179.    An amount of INR 0.50 (50 paise) per article shall be charged for e-IOD service. The charge would be paid in the form of postage/frank etc. For example, for a Bill Mail Service article requiring a postage of INR 3 for weight up to 50 grams, and INR 0.50 for eIoD facility, the postage affixed/franked should be INR 3.50

Above statement is              a)         True                            b)         False                          Ans: a


180.    e-IOD mean


            a)         Electronic intimation on delivery               b)         electronic intimation of dispatch

            c)         electronic indication on delivery               d)         none of these           Ans: a


181.    NBMS means


            a)         National business management system b)         National bill mail service

            c)         Notional board of management system   d)         None of these           Ans:b


182.    Minimum number of articles to be submitted at a time for NBMS would be


            a)         1000                                                               b)         5000

            c)         10000                                                             d)         None of these           Ans: c


183.    National bill mail service charges are


a)         First 50 grams – INR 5/- Every additional 50 grams – INR 2/-

b)         First 50 grams – INR 2/- Every additional 50 grams – INR 1/-

c)         First 50 grams – INR 10/- Every additional 50 grams – INR 5/-

d)         None of these are correct                                                                           Ans: a


184.    Express Parcel Post is an ideal service for sending the parcels upto


            a)         35 Kg                                                              b)         30 Kg

            c)         20 Kg                                                              d)         No limit                       Ans a


185.    In case of loss or damage of the parcel, compensation is paid upto a maximum in EPP is

            a)         100/-                                                               b)         500/-  

            c)         200/-                                                               d)         1000/-                         Ans: b


186.    Express Parcel Post is all about value for money. It costs just INR 25 within the city for 2 kg parcels and INR 40 for towns within 500 km.


            Above statement is a)         True                            b)         False                          Ans: a


187.    Distance slab in EPP is

            a)         5                                                                      b)         6

            c)         4                                                                      d)         3                                  Ans: a


Local, upto 500 km, 501- 1000 km, 1001 – 2000 km and above 2000 km.

188.    Proof of delivery charges in EPP is


            a)         5                                                                      b)         10

            c)         20                                                                    d)         No charge                 Ans: b


189.    Tariff and distance slab  of business parcel and retail parcel is

Rate structure for Business Parcel:


Rate upto 2kg


For every additional KG        3kg to 10 kg


For every additional KG beyond 10 kg






Upto 500 km




501 – 1000 km




1001-2000 km




Above 2000 km




Plus services tax and education cess as applicable


Rate structure for Retail Parcel:


Distance Category

Rate upto 2 Kg.


For every additional KG





Upto 500 Kms



501-1000 Kms



1001-2000 Kms



Above 2000 Kms




190.    Small and large size of greeting post rate is


            a)         14/- per card incl of INR 5/- postage, 17/- per card inclusive of INR 5/- postage.

a)         12/- per card incl of INR 5/- postage, 16/- per card inclusive of INR 5/- postage

a)         13/- per card incl of INR 5/- postage, 14/- per card inclusive of INR 5/- postage

a)         10/- per card incl of INR 5/- postage, 12/- per card inclusive of INR 5/- postage

            Ans: a


191.    Small and large size of greeting post is


            a)         10.5 cm x 16.5 cm & 12 cm x 18.5 cm

            b)         11 cm x 16.5 cm & 14 cm x 18.5 cm

            c)         8.55 cm x 12.5 cm & 10 cm x 16.5 cm

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans :a


192.    FTL and LTL is


            a)         Full truck load & Less than truck load

            b)         Fast truck load & Local truck load

            c)         Full time load            & Local time load

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: a


193.    Weight slab and docket fee of Logistic post is

            a)         35 kg & 50/-                                       b)         20 Kg & 20/-

            c)         50 Kg & 100/-                                    d)         None of these                       Ans: c

194.    What is the price per article for direct Post?

 The price for the Direct Post articles is as follows:


Per Article for 1st 20 gms

Per article (for every additional 20 gms or part thereof)


Inter City

Price of 1 Direct Post article

INR 1.50

INR 2.00

INR 1.00

For both local and inter-city articles

Where Direct Post articles are tendered in quantities of over 50,000, a discount to the sender, or commission to the concerned advertising agency, of 5% would be admissible

195.    Min copies and max size to be accepted in direct post is


            a)         5000 & A4 Size                                b)         1000 & A3 size

            c)         500 & Postcard size                         d)         None of these                       Ans: b


196.    Indian post gold coin denomination is


            a)         0.2 g, 2g, 5 g and 8 g of 24 carat (99.99% pure)

a)         1 g, 2g, 6 g and 10 g of 24 carat (99.99% pure)

a)         0.5 g, 1g, 5 g and 8 g of 24 carat (99.99% pure)

a)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:c


197.    PRS means


            a)         Postal rate system                            b)         Passenger reservation system

            c)         Public relation service                    d)         None of these                       Ans: b

198.    The Flat Rate Parcel (Domestic) tariff will be as follows:

Flat Rate Parcel Boxes size

Dimension of boxes
(in mm)

(in Kg)

(in INR)



0 to 1




Above 1 to 2.5




above 2.5 to 5



199.    The Flat Rate Parcel boxes are available in


            a)         2 types                                               b)         3 types

            c)         4 types                                               d)         5 types                                   Ans: b

            ( 1 Kg, 2.5 KG & 5 Kg)


200.    Flat Rate parcel price 1Kg, 2 Kg & 5 Kg are


            a)         125,200 & 400                                  b)         100,150 & 200

            c)         50,100 &150                                     d)         None of these                       Ans: a


201     International parcel box rate is


a)         1000,1500 & 2500                           b)         2000,3000 & 5000

            c)         750,1500&2500                                d)         None of these                       Ans: a


202.    International register article compensation is


            a)         30 SDR( 1 SDR is INR 65.8222)               b)         20 SDR

            c)         40 SDR                                                          d)         10                                Ans:a


203.    International parcel compensation is


            a)         30 SDR( 1 SDR is INR 65.8222)               b)         20 SDR

            c)         40 SDR                                                          d)         10                                Ans:c


204.    The user ID & Pass word for each CCC office is being created by:


(A)       PTC Vadodara                                 (B)       Postal Technology Research Centre,

(C)       PTC Mysore                                      (D)       Mumbai Postal Directorate Ans: c


205.    Unique .......... number is generated for booked e-MO to facilitate the tracking:


(A)       MTCN                                     (B)       PNR

(C)       TXN                                        (D)       Barcode                                             Ans;B


206.    The charges for special handling of Regd mails under Business post in Rs:


(A)       60 paise                                 (B)       50 paise

(C)       20 paise                                 (D)       40 paise                                             Ans:b


207.    If an article is refused it will be kept in post office for ............:


(A)       7 days                                                (B)      Return to sender immediately

(C)       30 days                                  (D)      3 months                                           Ans: b


208.    Book packet containing printed books can contain:


(A)       Weekly magazine only      (B)      Monthly magazine only

(C)       Daily newspaper only         (D)      None of these                                  Ans: d


209.    The greeting cards of India post are available at:


(A)       Every Head Post offices     (B)      Every HSG-1 Post Offices

(C)       All major post offices           (D)      All post offices                                  Ans: c


210.    E-IOD (e-Intimation of Delivery) service is available for customers of:


(A) Speed Post Service

(B) Bulk customers registering themselves for the service

(C) Express Parcel Post Retail

(D) Speed Post Service wanting ‘Addressee Specific’ delivery                      Ans: b


211.    Mark the correct option:


(A) The weight of privately manufactured letter card should not exceed 3 gram

(B) The weight of letter should not exceed 4 kg

(C) The weight of registered parcel should not exceed 35 kg

(D) The weight of book packet should not exceed 2 kg                                    Ans: a







212.    Mark the correct option.


The Indian Post Office is exempted by law from all responsibility in the case of:

(A) Loss, misdelivery or delay of registered article in course of transmission by post

(B) Wrong payment of inland money order

(C) Wrong delivery of insured letter

            (D) Wrong delivery of insured parcel                                                                   Ans:a


213.    The rates of inland postage:


(A) May be fixed by Director General (Posts) by issue of DG circular

(B) May be fixed by the Ministry of Communication and IT by issue of orders

(C) May be fixed by the Central Government by notification in official Gazette

(D) None of above is correct                                                                                  Ans:c


214.    News paper which post large number of copies can post their paper without affixing post stamps which are published more than_____copies


            a)         1000                                                   b)         2000

            c)         500                                                     d)         5000                                       Ans: c


215.    Working of night post office generally fixed by


            a)         Head of the circle                             b)         DG Post

            c)         PMG                                                   d)         SP/SSP                                 Ans: a



























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