
PLI / RPLI MCQ for various Postal Exams



1.         Postal life insurance scheme started in


            a)         01-02-1882                                        b)         01-02-1892

            c)         01-02-1882                                        d)         None of these                       Ans: c


2.         Who are eligible for obtaining a PLI Policy of the following


            a)         Central/Stage Govt employees     b)         Defense services

            c)         Nationalized banks/RBI                  d)         All the above                         Ans:d


3.         Postal life insurance slogan is


a)            Jindagi ka saath bi jindagika baad bi

b)            Insuring lives ensuring future

c)            Ensuring life insuring future

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans: c


4.         What is the max PLI policy limit for a person


            a)         300000/-                                            b)         500000/-

            c)         2000000/-                                          d)         No limit                                   Ans:c


5.         Postal life insurance policy available in


            a)         5 types                                               b)         6 types

            c)         7 types                                               d)         4 types                                   Ans:b


6.         Mark the correct option relating to age limit


            a)         For WLI & EA policies the insurant should not be less than 19 year an not more                than 55 year on the date of next birthday

            b)         For CWLA the upper age limit is 50 year

            c)         The max age limit for 15 and 20 year AEA is 45 and 40 respectively

            d)         Under Ugal suraksha policy age at entry of both the spouses should not be less               than 21 year and not more than 45 year.

            e)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e


7.         For children policy the child should be


            a)         Between 1 to 18 year age              b)         Between 5 to 18 year age

            c)         Between 5 to 18 year age              d)         Between 5 to 20 year age  Ans: d


8.         Under non medical scheme the age at entry of proponent should not exceed


            a)         35 years                                             b)         40 years

            c)         45 years                                             d)         No limit                                   Ans:a


9.         What is the min amount AEA policy for GP D  and others


            a)         10000/- ,20000/-                               b)         20000,/- 30000/-

            c)         5000/-, 10000/-                                 d)         None of these                       Ans:a





10.       What is the rebate allowed in advance paid premium for half year & one year?


            a)         1% & 2%                                            b)         2% & 3%

            c)         2%&4%                                              d)         None of these                       Ans:a


11.       When the PLI policy treated as lapsed


            a)         Policy is less than two  year old and if due installment are not paid within 6                        month the policy may be treated as lapsed

            b)         Policy is less than five year old and if due installment are not paid within 12                       month the policy may be treated as lapsed

            c)         Policy is less than three year old and if due installment are not paid within 6                      month the policy may be treated as lapsed

            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans:c


12.       In case the policy three year old and if premium is not paid for 12 month and more            then the permission form the ______ is necessary


            a)         DDG PLI                                            b)         DG Post

            c)         Head of the Circle                            d)         SSP/SP                                 Ans:c


13.       Mark the correct option


a)            The WLA policy can be converted into EA after one year

b)            The EA policy can be altered and value can be reduced after one year of issue and  before one year of maturity

c)            CWL policy cant be converted into EA policy at the end of the 5 year.

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


14.       In the event of policy holder committing suicide


a)            The full maturity benefit will be paid

b)            No claim will be entertained in suicide cases

c)            Within two year from the date of policy, the policy will be treated as void and no claim will be entertained

d)            The premium will be returned a/w SB interest                                        Ans:c


15.       How can we revive the lapsed PLI policy?


a)            Lapsed PLI cannot be revived

b)            Lapsed PLI can be revived after the sanction of the DG Post

c)            Lapsed PLI can be revived with the order of the CPMG and on paying all the installment due along with 12% interest and also producing medical fitness certificate

d)            Lapsed PLI  can be revived getting another policy                                Ans:c


16.       Mark the incorrect option

            Limit of death claim benefit under non medical scheme is if death occurs within


a)            1 year 35%of sum assured a/w accrued bonus

b)            2 years 60% of sum assured a/w accrued bonus

c)            3 years 90% of sum assured a/w accrued bonus

d)            4 years 100 % of sum assured a/w accrued bonus                               Ans:d

( It is desirable to opt for policy medical scheme to get full benefit)


17.       Mark the correct option relating to the loan on PLI policy (WLA)


a)            Exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 7 years 60%

b)            Exceeding 7 years but not exceeding 12 years 80%

c)            Exceeding 12 years 90%

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


18.       Mark the correct option relating to the loan on PLI policy (EA)


e)            Exceeding 3 years but not exceeding 5 years 60%

f)             Exceeding 5 years but not exceeding 10 years 80%

g)            Exceeding 10 years 90%

h)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


20.       Mark the correct option


            a)         Interest at 10% per annum is charged on the loan compounded half yearly            b)            Second loan is not admissible until first loan is cleared.

            c)         Loan are not available on AEA policies

            d)         The risk is covered on the PLI policy by dept only from the date of acceptance                  of the proposal by the CPMG

            e)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e


21.       Nomination fee for changing/altering  of PLI policy is


            a)         Rs 1/-                                                              b)         Rs2/-

            c)         Rs 5/-                                                              d)         Free                            Ans:d



22.       The children policy in PLI and RPLI was introduced in


            a)         24 Mar 1995                                                  b)         20 Jan 2006

            c)         01 Apr 2004                                                  d)         None of these           Ans:b


23.       What is the latest bonus rate from 31 Mar 2006?


a)            WLA continuing Rs 90/- per thousand rupees of sum assured

b)            EA continuing policies Rs 70/- per thousand rupees of sum assured

c)            AEA continuing Rs 65/- per thousand rupees of sum assured

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


24.       Mark the incorrect option


            a)         EA & Yugal suraksha policies may be surrendered or made paid up after 3                        years.

            b)         WL and CWL policies may be surrendered or made paid up after 4 years

            c)         AEA policy may be surrendered after 3 year

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:c

( AEA policy cannot be surrendered)


25.       As per revised Govt policy the insurant will get approximately


            a)         Less than 40% of total premia paid by him, if surrendered before completion of                 5 years

            b)         75% after completion of 5 years but before 10 years

            c)         Full recovered amount after 10 year

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d







26.       Rural postal life insurance started in


            a)         24 Mar 1995                                                  b)         23 Feb 1995

            c)         24 Mar 1994                                                  d)         25 Mar 2006              Ans:a


27.       The max limit of RPLI is


            a)         500000/-                                                        b)         300000/-

            c)         1000000/-                                                      d)         100000/-                    Ans:b


28.       PLI services tax and edn cess has been withdran form


            a)         1 Nov 07                                                        b)         01 Mar 2005

            c)         1 May 95                                                        d)         None of these           Ans:a


29.       Rebate is allowed on advance deposit of premium on RPLI for Qtly/Half year/year is


            a)         1%, 2%,3%                                                    b)         0.50%,1%,2%

            b)         0%, 1%,2%                                                    d)         No rebate in RPLI    Ans:b


30.       An extra departmental agents group insurance scheme started in


            a)         01 Apr 1994                                                  b)         01 Apr 1996

            c)         01 Apr 1992                                                  d)         None of these           Ans:c

(Sum assured to Rs 50000/- and the subscription to Rs 50/-)


31.       Mark the correct option


            a)         SDI/ASPDs shall be entitled to an incentive equal to 10% of the commission                     paid to  the agents

            b)         A policy holder of WLA PLI/RPLI shall be eligible for tacking Children policy to                  his/her child

            c)         Mail overseer should have min 10th standard qualification for doing this job.

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


32.       Payment of incentive to Dos(PLI)


a)            Up to Rs 4 crores of sum assured  Nil

b)            Above Rs 4 crores and up to Rs 6 crores of sum assured Rs 25/- per 10000/-

c)            Above Rs 6 crores of sum assured Rs 20/- per 10000/-

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


33.       The decision of competent authority that DO(PLI) procuring effective business to the tune of ____ or more shall no be eligible for automatic extension of tenure for the next ___ year.  Such extension will be granted by ______subject to good work,conduct & satisfactory record in the year.


a)            10 crores, 1 year, Head of the circle,

b)            20 crores, 2 year, DG Post

c)            25 crores, 1 year, Head of the circle

d)            25 cores. 1 years, SSP/SP                                                                        Ans: c



34.       Mark the correct option


a)            In RPLI policies with non standard proof or age  is Rs 1 lac

b)            The 5% extra premium  on  non standard proof of age policies

c)            In non standard proof or age policies  the age of the insurant  should not be exceed 45 years

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


35.       Mark correct option relating to the mail overseers to procure RPLI business


            a)         The mail overseer will first complete their assigned work correctly before                            attending to the RPLI business

            b)         No TA/DA will be admissible or canvassing RPLI business except on RPLI                        mela organized by the circles

            c)         They should have min 10th standard qualification for doing this job

            d)         All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d


36.       The min RPLI policy limit is


            a)         20000/-                                               b)         25000/-

            c)         10000/-                                               c)         15000/-                                   Ans:c


37.       The system of payment of honorarium to staff (including supervisors) of divisional office for procuring of PLI/RPLI proposal is Rs


            a)         5000/-                                                 b)         4000/-

            c)         1000/-                                                 d)         No honorarium                     Ans:b


38.       The max PLI policy limit for a physically handicapped persons is


            a)         300000/-                                            b)         500000/-

            c)         100000/-                                            d)         None of these                       Ans:c


39.       Mark the incorrect option


            a)         Not more than one policy will be allowed for one child.  The policy can be                           taken by insured for his/her own child only

            b)         Not more than two children in a family shall be covered under this policy.                           The same child should not be covered under more than one policy

            c)         The insured of main policy shall not be aged 45 years and above at the time                     of taking of children policy

            d)         The age of the child note more than 18 year at the time of issue of children                       policy                                                                                                              Ans:d


40.       Mark the incorrect option relating to Children Policy


            a)         The minimum limit for insurance under this scheme shall be Rs2000/-

b)         Agency commission not available in this scheme

c)         No loan shall be applicable to children policies.

d)         The outstanding term of main policy shall not be less than the premium paying                 period of children policy.

e)         In the event of the death of the insured before the expiry of the children policy

            no further premium shall be payable for the balance period of the policy.   


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