
No Recovery of any amount from the Subsidiary offenders - A Remarkable decision by CAT, Ahmedabad bench

A Remarkable decision by CAT, Ahmedabad bench on Recovery from Pay of Subsidiary offenders i.e. Employees of Department of Pists in various Fraud cases. Court Ordered to Department to pay all the recovered Amount in various 23 cases to employees with GPF interest rate in Gujarat Circle.

A Nice Order of No Recovery of any amount from the Pay of Employees who is not principal offender and only a negligence in Duty will not be suffer from any recovery from his.

Total 23 Cases Filed in CAT and CAT ordered a Common Order for all these cases......

This will much helpful to all the employees who suffered a recovery from Pay..........


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  1. Bharat matha ki jay .My hardwork my pay who else have right to take it.Thanks to the bench . Real justice
