
Appeal for Strengthening Welfare Measures for Senior Citizens & Pensioners: BPS writes to PM vide letter dated 02.02.2025

Appeal for Strengthening Welfare Measures for Senior Citizens & Pensioners: BPS writes to PM vide letter dated 02.02.2025

(ALL India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations)
2/13-A- LGF Backside, Jangpura – ‘A’,
New Delhi – 110 014


No BPS/SG/Sr citizen/025/02

Dated : 02.02.2025


Shn Narendra Modi Ji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,

Subject: Appeal for Strengthening Welfare Measures for Senior Citizens & Pensioners

Respected Modi Ji,

On behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS), we extend our heartfelt gratitude for the government’s continued efforts toward the welfare of senior citizens. The recent expansion of the 4yushman Bharat -Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY} to cover senior citizens aged 70 and above is a commendable initiative.

However, India’s 15 crore senior citizens and pensioners continue to face several pressing challenges, particularly those who are economically vulnerable, living alone, or without family support.

Key Challenges:

1. Financial Hardship: Many senior citizens and pensioners receive inadequate pensions or have no steady income, making survival increasingly difficult.

2. Lack of Family Support: Economic pressures and migration often leave elderly individuals without family care.

3. Inadequate Residential Facilities: Less than 10 lakh elderly individuals currently have access to proper alternative housing, leaving the majority without secure living arrangements.

4. Limited Government Implementation: Despite the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and the National Policy for Older Persons (NPOP. 1999) mandating old-age homes, effective implementation remains weak.

Proposed Solutions:

5. Development of Senior Citizen & Pensioner Housing — “Anand Niwas”

  • Construct 2 crore residential units for senior citizens and pensioners within the next 6-7 years.

6. Utilization of Government-Owned Properties

  • Convert underutilized government land and buildings into well-equipped senior care homes.

7. Urban Planning Reforms

  • Designate exclusive senior citizen zones in new urban development projects, ensuring accessibility to healthcare and social amenities.

8. Enhancement of Financial Support

  • Increase minimum pension equal to Minimum Salary per month to ensure a dignified life.
  • Raise medical coverage from 5 lakh to 10 lakh under PM jay Ayusman Bharat covering Sr Citizens above 60 years.

Potential Funding Sources:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Funds—’ 1, 000 crore (corporate contributions).
  • MPs’ & MLAs’ Development Fund—’ 3,800 crore.
  • Central Government Budget —’ 24,000 crore (0.5% of the total budget).
  • State Government Budgets — ‘ 31,000 crore.
  • Allocation from PM Awas Yojana—’ 5,400 crore.
  • Donations from NRIs & Wealthy Indians —’ 6,000 crore.
  • Support from Religious & Charitable Organizations.


Hon’ble Prime Minister Ji, we humbly request the government to take proactive measures to create a secure, dignified, and supportive environment for senior citizens and pensioners. Additionally, we propose renaming old-age homes as “Anand Niwas” (Happy Homes) to promote a positive and respectful image of elderly care.

We trust that under your visionary leadership, these much-needed reforms will be implemented at the

With highest regards,

Sincerely yours,

S.C. Maheshwari
Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS)

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