122. Whether relaxation of educational qualifications granted to Ex-Serviceman for appointment can be applied for promotion also?
Yes. The same relaxations as notified on 12.02.1986 shall apply for the promotion to the higher grade subject to the condition that no qualifications higher than which prescribed for entry in the feeder grade is laid down for such promotion.
(DOPT OM No. 14023/1/90-Estt (D) dated 21.05.1991)
123. Whether the scheme for promotion of lower grade officials to the cadre of PA/SA under incentive scheme is in existence?
No. There is no provision in the recruitment rules for giving any such provision.
(DG (P) No. 37-25/2001-SPB-I dated 28.05.2002)
124. If an official is promoted to a vacancy of the previous years, shall he avail the promotion with the retrospective effect (i.e) from the date of vacancy of the Post?
No. Promotions will have only prospective affect even in cases where the vacancies relate to earlier year(s).
125. Whether SC/ST/OBC candidates recruited on merit basis will be entitled to promotion under reserved category or not?
The candidates from SC/ST category who are recruited on merit basis are to be treated as reserved category candidates for the purpose of promotion.
(DG (P) No. 137-10/97-SPB II dated 26.05.1998)
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