
Leave granted in exception to CCS Leave rules

Leave granted in exception to CCS Leave rules

Grant of maximum 42 days Special Casual Leave to Organ Donors

Maximum of 42 days Special Casual Leave may be granted to a Central Government servant for donating their organ(s) to another human being, as a special welfare measure in public interest, notwithstanding the provision under Appendix-III of the CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 regarding grant of Special Casual Leave not exceeding 30 days in any one calendar year under certain terms and conditions.
(OM No: A-24011/23/2022-Estt.(Leave) Dated: 25/4/2023)

Grant of 60 days Special Maternity Leave in case of death of a child soon after birth / stillbirth
Keeping in view the potential emotional trauma caused due to stillbirth or death of a child soon after birth, which has a far-reaching impact on the mother’s life, the Government has decided to grant a Special Maternity Leave of 60 days to a female Central Government servant in case of death of a child soon after birth / stillbirth under certain terms and conditions.
(OM No: 13018/1/2021-Estt.(L) Dated: 2/9/2022)

Grant of Special Casual Leave for the purpose of blood donation
Consequent upon the decision taken by Government, grant of Special Casual leave for blood donation has been extended for blood donation for apheresis (blood component such as red cells, plasma, platelets etc) for four times in a year under certain conditions.
(OM No: No. 13020/1/2017-Estt(L) Dated: 28/12/2017)


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