
Introduction of paperless KYC - Post Office Savings Account(POSA) opening and transactions through Aadhar biometric authentication.


Compiled by A.Kesavan, Asst Genral Secretary Kanchipuram Division TN 631 501.
SB ORDER 01 / 2025 dtd 01.01.2025.


01.The paperless KYC process for opening of accounts and transactions through Aadhaar authentication basis. ( e-KYC) implemented on a pilot basis from 26.11.2024. Now as per the SB Order 01/2025 dtd 01.01.2025 the same is extended to all the Post Offices w.e.f. 06.01.2025.

02. The entire process of paperless KYC process is decided to be implemented in 2 phases.

Phase – I.

This facility will be available only for the PO Savings account that too for the single account holders. The facility will be opening of new accounts, conversion of the existing account to e-KYC compliance, that is updating the KYC of the existing customers into biometric authentication.

For other POSB Schemes and other types of PO Savings Accounts (Except Single ) the e-KYC CIF can be created. But the account can be opened by following the present procedure in the Finacle.

eKYC CIF for the minors is not enabled in phase I.

Phase – II
a. This facility will be extended to other POSB Schemes viz, RD, TD, MIS, SCSS and for the transactions as well.

b. Extending the facility to other type of accounts like joint, minor, authorized type savings accounts including both opening and operations of these accounts.

c. Performing transactions in e-KYC accounts through various other modes like mobile, ebanking, DARPAN etc.

d. Closure of savings account of single account holder type.

03. New Finacle menus ECCRC, and ECMRC menus created and some required modifications done in the existing other menus like CASBAO, CASBAM , CTM, CXFER, CICD.

04. If the customer is willing for the creation of eKYC , then the same will be created on the biometric authentication of the customer. The data required for creation of CIF is automatically fetched from the UIDAI . The auto fetched data like name, c/o name, DOB, Gender, Address with Pincode cannot be edited.


05.In case of c/o Name is not received from the UIDAI, then option is available to edit the c/o Name field.

06. Except the c/o Name , other data is not fetched or partially fetched from the UIDAI, then process CIF creation will be terminated. The customer may be asked to update the data in Aadhaar with the correct available information. For eKYC mismatched customers the new account can be opened in the existing process.

07. Any modifications in the eKYC CIF will be done with the biometric authentication of the customer only, and he should attend the office.

08. For modification done in the e-KYC CIF no verification by the checker is required.

09. The CIF of the existing customers can be changed in to e-KYC CIF a customer consent form is prescribed.

10. For new account opening a new AOF seeking minimum information is also prescribed.

11. No pay in slip is required for the transactions done through Aadhaar authentication process.

12. No With drawl form is require for the withdrawal transactions is less than Rs.5000 done through Aadhaar authentication process .

13. For Aadhaar authentication transactions does not requires the verification by the checker. The posting of these transactions will be done directly to the ledger.

14. The facility of e-KYC , may be extended to the accounts opened through SAS / MPKBY Agents also.

15. The aadhaar number mentioned in the AOF, and other records must be masked by the
Postmaster / CPCs .

16. The existing customers and the new customers should be apprised of the paperless facility provided by the department .


I.New e-KYC CIF Creation .- On boarding of new eKYC Customers.

a. For a customer does not have the POSB Account / or not having the CIF in CBS Finacle this process of new eKYC CIF creation to be adopted.

b. Besides the AOF form, the customer consent form in form no SB-eKYC-1 to be obtained.

c. The counter PA shall invoke the menu ECCRC and select the option new customer. The aadhaar, PAN, Mobile numbers of the customer has to be obtained and entered. The mobile number may be different from the one linked with the aadhaar number.

d. The PA will check the linkage of these primary data with the CIF by invoking “DEDUPE” menu.

e. If the aadhaar number is linked with more than one CIF then the present procedure for removing the aadhaar from the multiple CIF and linking the same with one CIF.

f. If the customer is having a CIF which is a non eKYC CIF then the PA has to proceed REKYC.

g. If an eKYC CIF is found the process will be terminated with an alert message.

h. If the data provided is not linked with CIF, eKYC then the button “ Proceed “ will be enabled, and a Bio Metric window will be populated .

i. On successful bio metric authentication, the details of the customer will be auto fetched from the UIDAI including the Photograph of the customer.

j. In case of c/o Name is not received from the UIDAI, then option is available to edit the c/o Name field.

k. Except the c/o Name , other data is not completely fetched or partially fetched from the UIDAI, then process CIF creation will be terminated. The customer may be asked to update the data in Aadhaar with the correct available information. For eKYC mismatched customers the new account can be opened in the existing process.

l. If the customer wants to provide recent photograph then the same may be collected.

m. The validation of PAN will be completed. The required other fields will be entered in the CIF and click on the button Submit.

n. The eKYC CIF will be created. The eKYC CIF no. will be written on the consent form and in the AOF.

o. The supervisor will verify the eKYC CIF created by invoking the menu “ECMRC – Inquiry” and sign in the consent form.

II. Conversion of the existing KYC Customers into eKYC Customers.

a. If the existing customers want to operate the account through bio metric authentication, then re-KYC may be performed under eKYC. For this the customer has to submit the consent form. The signature available in the consent form must be verified and tallied with the signature available in the Finacle. This implies that the reKYC can be done for the customers whose signature available in the Finacle.

b. The counter PA will invoke the menu “ ECCRC” and select the option REKYC.

c. The customer may be requested to provide the CIF ID. If the same is not provided the same may be retrieved from the Finacle.

d. The counter PA will enter the “ CIF ID”, the aadhaar number will be auto populated if the aadhaar number is linked with only one CIF Number.

e. If the aadhaar number is linked with more than one CIF then the present procedure for removing the aadhaar from the multiple CIF and linking the same with one CIF.

f. If no aadhaar number is linked with the CIF , the same may be requested from the customer has to be entered in the aadhaar field.

g. The counter PA will click the consent option and click “EKYC and Proceed” button.

h. On successful bio metric authentication, the details of the customer will be auto fetched from the UIDAI including the Photograph of the customer. The system will match the data with the UIDAI and display the results in percentage of matching. If the matching percentage is more than 80 % the counter PA will click on the button “GO”.

i. If the percentage of match is less than the prescribed 80 % , then the customer has to be requested to update the aadhaar for enabling eKYC CIF.

j. The validation of PAN will be completed. The required other fields will be entered in the CIF and click on the button Submit.

k. The CIF ID will remain the same and changed to eKYC CIF.

l. The supervisor will verify the eKYC CIF created by invoking the menu “ECMRC – Inquiry” and sign in the consent form.

III. Modification in the eKYC CIF .

a. If any of the information furnished by the customer needs to modified then the counter PA will invoke the ECMRC menu and do the modification.

b. The presence of the customer is compulsory for the modification in the eKYC CIF.

c. If any modification is required for the aadhaar linked fields i.e. name, DOB, gender, address, Pincode then the counter PA will invoke the REKYC option. The aadhaar related information will be fetched from the UIDAI and the existing information will be replaced.

A. Post Office Savings Account Operation.

(1) Account Opening.

a. The SB-eKYC-AOF filled by the depositor will be obtained by the counter PA. He will invoke the menu CASBAO. The supervisor will verify and open the account by CASBAM menu.

b. The counter PA will enter the CIF ID of the customer. if it is a non eKYC CIF , then the customer may be requested for REKYC.

c. If it is a eKYC CIF, then “ BIO METRIC and EKYC “ option will get selected automatically.

d. Click on Consent Box, click on eKYC button. System will prompt for biometric capture from the customer.

e. Detailed account opening screen will open after biometric authentication from the customer. The additional details like nomination, Basic Savings account, will be entered.

f. The entered details must be got verified by the customer. Once the customer confirmed the correctness of the data, then click on the submit button.

g. The account will be opened and verified automatically.

(2 ) Account Modification.

a. The counter PA will get the relevant form for account modification and invoke the menu CASBAM.

b. If the account entered is eKYC account, then the modification will be carried after authentication from the customer. No verification of the supervisor is required. However supervisor can check the modification by invoking the option inquiry under the menu CASBAM.

c. If is a non eKYC CIF, then the existing manual procedure is to be followed.

(3 ) Deposit and Withdrawal in Savings Accounts.

a. Invoke CTM Menu. Select the function deposit or withdrawal. Select the option Biometric.

b. The biometric option is allowed for all the deposits and for the withdrawal up to Rs. 5000/- . For these transactions the pay in slip / SB 7 is not required. For withdrawal transactions exceeding Rs.5000/- the existing process of collecting SB7 shall be followed.

c. The counter PA enter the account number and amount. If the entered account number is eKYC account eKYC and POST button will be enabled after the authentication of the depositor. The transactions will be posted automatically and no verification is required.

(4 ) Funding of account by transfer

a. Invoke the menu CXFER. Select the transaction type and authentication mode.

b. For amount exceeding Rs.5000/- only paper based transaction shall be allowed as per the existing procedure.

c. For amount less than Rs.5000/- aadhaar authentication can be done. The credit account may be eKYC or non eKYC account.

d. If the debit account is eKYC account, after successful authentication eKYC and POST button will be enabled.

e. If we click on the Post Button , The transactions will be posted automatically and no verification is required.


a. The consent forms will be sent to CPC on daily basis. The photographs will be updated automatically from UIDAI.

b. In CPCs, the consent forms received will be scanned on a daily basis.

c. The eKYC forms will be preserved in a guard file which is permanent one.

d. The digital form of the consent forms will be preserved for 7 years.

e. DBT Mandate forms shall be preserved in the Post office of receipt for 10 years.

f. The aadhaar numbers should be masked if it is written in any of the forms without fail.

IV. Accounting and Auditing Procedure.

a. In SBCO, a separate long book will be maintained for the aadhaar based transactions.

b. SBCO PA will generate EKYC Long Book Detailed Report - BRN along with the Long Book Detailed Report - BRN , Long Book Detailed Report - SDP & AO and save these reports in PDF format for each dates.

c. On tallying the total debit and credit for the transactions taken in the Post offices , the total debits / credits available in the eKYC Long Book Detailed Report shall be added and tallied.

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