
Staff Rulings – 21. HRA & Staff Quarters 9

Staff Rulings – 21. HRA & Staff Quarters 9

90.      What are all the medical grounds prescribed for allotment of Quarters on out of turn basis?

Ø  The allotment on medical grounds including ground floor/central area shall be made in the case of the Government. Servants and their spouses, dependent children and dependent parents, suffering from any of the following diseases:

     (a) Tuberculosis             :         Pulmonary tuberculosis (serious cases only)

     (b) Cancer Cases            :         Malignant neoplasm

     (c)  Heart ailments           :         of an exceptionally serious nature and in need of urgent treatment.

(d) Disabled persons       :

     (e) Blind-those who suffer from either of the following conditions:

     (f)  Total absence of sight

     (g) Visual Acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses

     (h) Impression of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.

(i)  Deaf: Those having hearing loss of more than 90 decibels in the better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.

(j)  Orthopedically handicapped: To the extent of 40% and above disability.

(k) Mentally handicapped/spastic dependents.

Note: -

     The list of diseases, on the basis of which discretionary allotment may be considered as above, is not an exhaustive one. The Committees may consider any other life threatening disease or other serious disability causing permanent impairment, for this purpose.

     In case disability of dependent parents is the sole ground for asking for discretionary allotment, the Committees should consider the facts and circumstances along with merits of each case carefully, before making their recommendations.

 91.      What is the period prescribed for deferment of allotment of residential accommodation?

Ø  As per existing instructions deferment of allotment of residential accommodation can be sought for a period of not less than three months and for a maximum period of six months. It has now been decided that request for deferment after offer of allotment may not be treated as refusal to accept the allotment and the applicant may not be debarred from allotment. Such cases may be reconsidered for allotment on receipt of request after the deferment period is over.

(DE OM No. 12035/7/2000-POl.II dated 28.03.2000)

92.      What is the period prescribed for the acceptance of allotment?

Ø  It has been decided as working arrangement that response to an allotment should be awaited for 8 days from the date of issue of the allotment letter and the residence concerned should be allotted further in the waiting list immediately thereafter.

(DE OM No. 12035/16/2005-Pol.II dated 02.09.2005)

·       He should take possession within 5 days of the acceptance letter. Rule 17.

If he fails, he shall not be eligible to apply for accommodation for a period of three months from the date of non acceptance.


Courtesy : yourskayveeyes.blogspot.com

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