
Staff Rulings – 20. HRA & Staff Quarters 8

 Staff Rulings – 20. HRA & Staff Quarters 8

86.      Whether allotment can be made to an officer under suspension?
Ø  The allotment of residential accommodation to an officer under suspension should be made as if, suspension has not taken place.
(DE OM No. 12035/16/2005-Pol. II dated 2.9.2005)
87.      What is the revised entitlement of officers for General Pool accommodation?
Ø  An officer who is already an allottee of a residence, would not be required to shift to a lower type of residence merely because of his becoming ineligible for the type of residence in his occupation on the basis of the revised entitlement. He will be permitted to continue in that residence on payment of normal licence fee under FR 45-A.
As for change, such allottees will not, however, be allowed this facility since they are no longer eligible for the types they are occupying.
Such an officer may however, be allotted accommodation of a lower type on the basis of his revised emolument, if he specifically applies for such an allotment.
(DE OM No. 12033/2/75-Pol. II dated 03.05.1975)
88.      Who is the authority to issue the certificate declaring quarters as dangerous
Ø  It has been decided that the certificate declaring a house as dangerous should be issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer and before issue of the certificate; he should satisfy himself as to the fact that the report given is genuine.
(DE OM No. 12035/1/91-Pol.II dated 21.02.1991)
89.      What is the status of widow in allotment of Government Quarters?
Ø  It has been decided that a widow with or without children be treated as a 'Single' Lady officer for the purpose of allotment of residential accommodation from 'Lady Officers' Pool".
(DE OM No. 12035/6/83-Pol. II dated 06.11.1984)

Courtesy : yourskayveeyes.blogspot.com

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