
Model Representation - Model for conference notification

Some divisional/ branch secretaries are asking me to post a model notification for holding the biennial conference. This is only for them and not for all.


In accordance with the provisions under Article 45 read with Article 48 of the Constitution of the All India Postal Employees Union Group C, notice is hereby issued to all concerned that the Biennial Conference of the AIPEU Group C …………… Branch will be held on …………. at …………….Mandapam, …………, …………….. The conference will commence sharply at 10:00 AM.

The agenda for the conference is as follows:

1. Adoption of Biennial Report & Audited Accounts for the years 2022-2023, and 2023-2024.

2. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members.

3. Selection of Mahila Committee.

4. Election of Delegates to Circle and All India Conferences.

5. Appointment of Auditor.

6. Discussion of Resolutions.

7. Any other subjects with the permission of the Chair.

All members are requested to attend and grace the conference with their presence.

With fraternal greetings,


Branch Secretary


1. All the Members

2. The Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group C………….

3. The SSPOs, …………… Division 

Courtesy : yourskayveeyes.blogspot.com

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