Reference is invited to letter of even number dated 29.07.2024 wherein Head of the Circles were authorized to accept the request of such PA (SBCO) officials who submit written request to switch to PA (PO) cadre. Further, vide letter of even number dated 13.09.2024, Circles were requested to consider the applications received and issue orders by 20.09.2024.
2. Further, since the provision for switch over to PA(PO) cadre cannot be kept open ended perpetually, the competent authority has decided to give a last opportunity to the left over PA(SBCO) cadre officials to submit their request till 20.11.2024. Thereafter, no request for switch over shall be considered under any circumstances.
3. It is brought to the knowledge of Directorate that some applications are still pending with Circles. Therefore, Circles are once again advised to immediately consider the applications already received to be received and issue orders by 25.11.2024 and send a report to directorate by 30.11.2024 covering the following points:-
a. Number of officials left in PA(SBCO) cadre
b. Name of the officials along with length of service in PA(SBCO) cadre
c. Whether the official had earlier refused promotion to LSG Cadre, if so details thereof.
d. Date of retirement of the official
4. Further, those PA(SBCO) cadre officials, who do not request for switch over to PA (PO) cadre may be asked to submit an undertaking in the following format:-
I understand that the option for switch over to PA(PO) cadre will not be available after 20.11.2024. However, I hereby give my consent to continue in PA(SBCO) cadre and will not make request for switch over to PA(PO) cadre hereafter.5.
5.All Circles must ensure that the aforesaid exercise is completed by 30.11.2024 positively.

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