Subject: DLC 3.0 Campaign- Social Media Promotion.
am directed to refer to his Division's letter of even number dated
08.10.2024 (copy enclosed) regarding the subject mentioned above and to
state that in connection with DoPPW's DLC campaign 3.0 starting from 1st
November to 30th November, 2024, DoPPW has created a hashtag on Twitter
(hashtag) DLCCampaign3" for wider dissemination of DLC related
information and to give adequate publicity to this campaign for reaching
out to all pensioners.
this regard, the below mentioned social media content (in both English
and Hindi) has been shared by DoPPW to be posted by the field
functionaries with (hashtag)DLCCampaign3:
English Content-
Name> organized DLC camp in, <City/District>, <State> on
XX/11/2024 under Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 under
the aegis of Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare for ease
of Living of Pensioners. (hashtag) DLCCampaign3.
Hindi Content-
के लिए सुविधापूर्ण जीवन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए पेंशन एवं पेंशनभोगी
कल्याण विभाग के तत्वावधान में राष्ट्रव्यापी डिजिटल जीवन प्रमाणपत्र
अभियान 3.0 के अंतर्गत, संगठन का नाम > ने XX/11/2024 को
<शहर/जिला>, <राज्य > में डीएलसी शिविर का आयोजन किया ।
(hashtag) DLCCampaign3.
3. In
view of above, all Circles are requested to cause to circulate the
above content for creating awareness among all pensioners by adding
details of the Office/City/District/Sate/Date.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG (FS & PBI).