

Sub: Induction Training to PA LGO Candidate.

D.G. Posts No. 1-19/2010-Trg dated 28.09.2011

            It has been ordered vide Postal Directorate vide letter No. 60/11/2011-SPB-I dated 16.-9.2011 that the PA/SA LGO candidates selected through departmental examination will be imparted a brief in-house  training of two week, pending regular Institutional Induction Training at Postal Training Centres. It has been further stated that the two week's training shall be finalized by the Heads of the Circles in consultation with the Training Division.

2.         In respect of direct recruit PAs/SAs, para (5) of Postal Directorate letter No. 60-9/2010-SPB-I dated 10.11.2010 had stated that" pending their training by chalking out the course as far as posting orders and commence their in-house training by chalking out the course as far as possible based on the PTC syllabus depending on the resources available with them". Accordingly, direct recruit PAs/SAs were imparted in-house training at Circle level before they were deputed to PTCs. It, is therefore, requested that the PA/SA LGO candidates  selected through departmental examination may also be imparted in-house training of two weeks similar to the one done in respect of direct recruit PAs/SAs.

 Sub:          Appointment of officials qualified for Promotion in the LGO           Examination      in      Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant cadre   against the vacancies of the        years 2009-2010.

D.G. Post No. 60/11/2011-SPB-I dated 16th September,2011.

            I am directed to refer to the Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle's D.O. letter No. STA/28-4(1)/11-121 dated 09.08.2011and Chief Postmaster General UP Circle's D.O. No. Rectt./M-12/Trg./2010/6 dated 30.05.2011wherein they have suggested that the candidates who are to be promoted on the basis of LGO examination may be allowed to be promoted pending their training.

2.         The matter has been examined in the Directorate .In view of the acute shortage of PSs/SAs and likely hood of delay in imparting training to officials to be promoted on the basis of LGO examination, it has been decided by the competent authority that a brief training of two weeks shall be imparted by the Circles to the said officials. The two week's training shall be finalized by the Heads of the Circles in consultation with Deputy Director General (Training). Pending their training, Circles are advised to issue their promotion and posting orders and commence their in-house training by chalking out the course as far as possible based on the PTC syllabus depending on the resources available with the respective Circles. All such officials may be deputed for training as soon as the seats become available in the PTCs. The in house training to be imparted to the candidates by the Circles in no way may be treated as substitute for the formal training to be imparted by PTCs unless it is so vouched by Training Wings/PCTs. Till they are trained by PTCs, they may not be detailed on sensitive seats nor deputed to man the counters. For instance, the Circles may utilize their services in back office under effective supervision and in turn the already trained PAs/SAs may be deputed on the counters.

3.         The receipt of the letter may please be acknowledged.

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