
FAQs on Eligibility Criteria for AAO LDCE 2024

 FAQs on Eligibility Criteria for AAO LDCE 2024

Q1. How the service period to be calculated for eligibility condition?


Ans: The RR prescribes eligibility in terms of years of service rendered in a pay scale. As per the promotion policies of the department and granting of financial upgradations under MACPs etc., it is likely that officials will serve in lower scales for some years and subsequently would be promoted/ granted MACP and move to higher pay scales. In view of the fact that the eligibility condition is prescribed in terms of number of years of service in a particular pay scale, the period served in higher pay scale will therefore imply satisfaction of service in lower pay scale. As such, the combined service in the eligible pay scales (one or more) is to be reckoned to determine eligibility of an individual. However, in such cases (i.e. in cases where the combined service in lower and higher pay scales is to be considered for determining eligibility) the eligibility criteria applicable to the lowest eligible pay scale in which an official has served will be applied to determine eligibility for appearing in the examination. However, as the RR specifies/ prescribes a distinct residency period and no minimum educational qualification for the JAs/SAs working in DOP and DOT, therefore while deciding their cases (similar to ones specified above), the combined period of service rendered in JA and SA level should be considered applying the minimum qualifying service in the lower level of JA because JA is the feeder cadre for the SA.


Q2. What is the crucial date for calculation of eligibility criteria?


Ans. Cut-off date(s) for determining vacancy year-wise eligibility has been communicated through Examination Notification dated 19.09.2024. Eligibility is to be assessed year wise as on respective crucial date. It may so happen that a candidate is eligible in a particular year but not eligible for other years.


Q3. A person in level 1 for 10 years will be taken to level 2 under MACP automatically, so what is the meaning of level 1 with 14 years of service?


Ans. In case of financial upgradations under MACP, regular service in substantive cadre will be counted which means in the above case, even though the individual may be in level 2 but he would be considered as in level 1 for counting the period of service.


Q4. Whether the candidates who got absorbed in 2010 as SA and have cleared section officer grade exam conducted by AGS office in 2005 & 2006 are exempted from similar papers for LDCE for AAO?


Ans. No, as per RR for AAOs, only those departmental employees are eligible who have passed Subordinate Account Service Examination or equivalent examination conducted by DOP/DOT or Competent Authority specified by the department.


Q5. How would residency period for regular service be calculated?


Ans. Regular service would be calculated from the date of first appointment of service in L1 and above.


Q6. How the eligibility of SAs’/JAs’ seniority should be decided?


Ans. The SAs/JAs are circle cadres. Therefore, their seniority should be decided based on the respective circle gradation list.


Q7. If an applicant/candidate (other than JA/SA) is in level 6 but in Group ‘B’ cadre, whether he/she would be eligible or not?


Ans. Point 2 under column 11 of RRs of AAO dated 02.04.2018, clearly stipulates inter-alia that all other officials of DoP/DoT in Group C with following qualifying service are eligible. Therefore, officials in Group B cadre are not eligible.


Q8. How the comparison of Seniors vs Juniors to be made?


Ans. As per note below point 2 of column 11, it is clarified that the comparison of Seniors vs Juniors should be made based on the Circle/Division gradation list of a substantive cadre and keeping in view the clarifications issued at Point 1 above.


Q9. How the eligibility of operative side staff determined in case of any dispute of senior and junior? 

Ans. In the event of any official including those from the operative side raising claim that he/she is eligible as per the note below point 2 of column 11 vis-à-vis any junior of the same circle/division who is eligible, then the decision on eligibility issue should be taken only after thorough checking of service records and related documents following the clarifications given to question no 8 above. All related documents referred to in the cases must be attested by the appropriate authority and held with the Chairperson, Circle Level Coordination Committee till further orders.


Q10. Whether a candidate other than JA/SA having the regular years of service as per para 2 of column 11 but not possessing a bachelor degree is eligible or not?


Ans. Not eligible.


Q11. Whether a candidate who originally joined as LDC (other than JA/SA without a bachelor’s degree and subsequently was promoted to JA/SA would be eligible or not?


Ans. If the said individual satisfied the qualifying period of Service under JA/SA he would be eligible, otherwise not eligible.


Q12. Any official of DoP/DoT applying under point 2 of column 11, can he apply in any of the levels or only in his present level?


Ans. Clarified at Point no 1 above.


Q13. If the individual/official has put in requisite number of years of service in another Government Department but not in DoP/DoT, whether the candidate is eligible or not?


Ans. The regular service in DoT/DoP only will be counted for the purpose of eligibility criteria. However, in event of employee of DOP/DOT on deputation to another Government Department, his period of deputation shall be counted for the purpose of ascertaining eligibility.


Q14. How to calculate regular service of a candidate transferred under Rule-38 for eligibility criteria?


Ans. The regular service would be counted from the date of entry/joining in the Department. As per Rule 38 of Postal Manual Volume-IV, an official on transfer from one circle/division to another, on his own request under rule 38 although forfeits his claim of seniority in the previous circle/division and enters in the gradation list of the new circle/division but retains his length of service for calculation of pensions etc. Accordingly, in such cases the candidates would be allowed by considering their whole length of service. However, as regards application of note below rule 2 col 11 of RR, the same may be applied to only those candidates in the specific circle/division gradation list of the specific cadre, who are senior to the said Rule 38 transferee.


Q15. If an applicant claims that he/she is eligible with compared to candidates appearing in another circle, how the same is to be decided? Ans. No inter-circle/division comparison would be allowed as the Group Ç’ Cadres are Circle/Division based Cadres in both DoP& DoT. Therefore, inter-circle/division comparisons would not be entertained.


Q16. If an applicant has served in both JA and SA Cadre then how to calculate residency period for eligibility?


Ans. As clarified at point no. 1.


Q17. Whether an official who is under suspension or any disciplinary/Vigilance case pending against him is eligible for appearing in the examination?


Ans. As per CCS(CCA) Rules 1965, an official may be allowed to take an examination even though he is under suspension, provided he satisfied all other conditions prescribed for admission to such examination. However, declaration of his result etc. would be subject to extant rules and guidelines issued from time to time.


Q18. Whether the Postal Assistant Cadre and the Accountant cadre in Post Offices can be treated as the same cadre, the pay level of both being level 4 and whether the seniority of the officials as shown in two separate gradation list, Accounts and Postal Assistants, can be compared for determining the eligibility?


Ans. As PO & RMS Accountants are borne on the gradation list of PA /SA cadre. Hence, their seniority may be considered for the purpose of their eligibility as per RR.


Q19. How is the eligibility of officials who are presently in JA/SA cadre but have rendered past service as LDC to be determined?


Ans. LDC is the feeder cadre for JAs as per Recruitment Rules of JAs. Therefore, past service rendered as LDC can be counted towards combined length of service for determining the eligibility of candidates. In such cases, the combined length of service as LDC plus JA plus SA should not be less than 13 years as on the cut-off date. Further, as for such candidates, the past service rendered as LDC is being considered, they must hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, in order to be eligible.


Q20. There are certain officials who joined DoT/DoP after rendering service in other departments/organizations. Their past service has been considered for the purpose of Seniority and Pensionary benefits. Can we consider past service rendered in other departments while calculating the combined length of service?


Ans. The FAQ 13 clearly states that regular service in DoT/DoP only will be counted for the purpose of eligibility criteria. However, in specific cases, where past service in other departments/organizations has been considered for fixing Seniority in DoT/DoP and for Pensionary benefits in terms of the applicable rules for absorption/reemployment/redeployment, the past service can be considered towards fulfillment of combined length of regular service criteria.


Q21. There is a provision of three months institutional training before formal appointment as Postal Assistant /Sorting Assistant. A doubt has arisen whether this training period is to be counted as duty towards service limit for the LDCE-AAO-2024 examination?


Ans. The period of institutional training before formal appointment as Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant is counted towards qualifying service for Pension and Increment. Therefore, such training period can be counted towards fulfillment of combined length of regular service criteria if the said training is immediately followed by an appointment or the interruption (if any) is condoned by the competent authority.


Q22. A Postal Assistant does not hold Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University but possesses a Diploma in Computer Applications & Business Management. As per Govt. of Kerala G.O dated 22.09.2012 such Diploma is accepted as an alternative qualification for technical posts in Govt/Public Sector wherein the qualifications are fixed as BBA/BCom/Graduation. Is the candidate eligible?


Ans. No. The Recruitment Rules for AAOs require all other employees (other than JA/SA) of DoT/DoP to hold Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University.

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