. No. 4-1/2020-PAP
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division/P.A.P. Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Ma New Delhi 110001
Dated: 27th December 2023
The Chief Postmaster General,
Gujarat Circle,
Subject: Night Duty allowance in Department of Posts - clarification.
Please refer to your letter No-Est/Misc/2020 dated 17.11.2023 on the subject cited above. The Circle has sought clarification regarding applicability of the compensation (night duty allowance) in the Department posts, the instructions of which were circulated by the DoPT vide their OM No. 27016/02/2017-Estt(AL) dated 13.07.2020 and OM No-DOPT-1669789084378 dated 30.11.2022.
2. As per the provisions OM dated 13.07.2020, no compensation (Night duty allowance) is not admissible wherever the working hours of the staff are arrived after taking into account the night weightage factor (i.e., 10 minutes for every hour) during night duty performed between 2200 to 0600 hours. The Department gives night weightage factor in all the cases. Therefore, the employees are not entitled to any other compensation in the Department. The OM dated 30.11.2022 only reiterates the previous instructions in respect of different allowances, including the night duty allowance.
Yours faithfully,
Signed by Ravi Pahwa
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP)
Phone No 011-2309619
Copy to:
All CPMSG (except Gujarat Circle) - for kind information.