Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
May 27th 2024
(a) All Chief Postmasters General.
(b) Chief General Manager, BD/ Parcel/PLI Directorate
(c) Director, RAKNPA/ all Postal Training Centres,
(d) Addl. Director General, Army Postal service, R K Puram, New Delhi
(e) All General managers (Finance)/ Director Postal Accounts /DDAP
Subject: – Inter-Circle Transfer of IP/ASP.
After the decision for centralized cadre Management of IP/ASP, vide communication of even number dated 15.02.2023, a set of guidelines were issued, which inter alia included guidelines relating to Inter-Circle Transfer of IP and ASP. Subsequently, vide – communication of even number dated 03.07.2023, additional instructions were issued.
2. These guidelines for Inter-Circle transfer of IP/ASP have been reviewed and the competent authority has decided to remove the eligibility condition of minimum one year of service in the cadre. Accordingly, officials holding the post of IP/ASP with less than one year service in the respective cadre, will be able to submit Inter-Circle transfer requests through Rule-38 online transfer portal w.e.f. 01.06.2024.
3. After the removal of one year service condition, to provide a level playing field to all officials holding the post of IP/ASP, the competent authority has approved following criteria for deciding inter se priority of transfer requests:-
A. Transfer requests received in the portal till 31.05 .2024, shall be arranged in the manner provided in communication No. X-7/ 15/2021-SPN-II dated 03.07.2023.
B. Transfer requests received during 01.06.2024 to 30.06.2024 shall be, added below the transfer requests received till 31.05 2024, after arranging them in the following manner:-
i.Incase of ASP:- As per their position in All India Seniority List of IP.
ii.In case of IP:- Ip promoted through LDCE as per their seniority (to be decided as per year of LDCE and marks Secured), followed by, Direct Recruit IP as per their Seniority (to be decided as per year of examination and rank secured).
C. Transfer requests received after 30.06.2024 shall be added below the requests at (A) and (B) above after arranging them in the manner provided in communication No. X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 03.07.2023.
2. This may be circulated for information of all IP/ASP.
Yours faithfully,
(Vangara Prasad)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Copy to:
(a) Sr.
PPS/PS to Secretary (Posts) / DGPS
(b) Sr. PPS/PS to all Members Postal Services Board
(c ) Sr. DDG(Vig) & CVO/ All DDGs
(d) GM, CEPT, Bengaluru for information and with request to remove the
validation of 1 year service condition for IP/ASP cadre in online transfer
portal w.e.f. 01.06.2024.
(e) Portal Upload, CEPT for uploading on India Post website