Postal Manual Volume VI, Part II - MCQ
1. Cost of single MO forms is
a) 0.50 paise b) 0.25 paise
c) Rs 1/- d) Free of cost Ans:b
2. The book of MO form contain
a) 50 forms b) 100 forms
c) 25 forms d) 200 forms Ans:a
3. The cost of VP MO form is
a) 0.50 paise b) 0.25 paise
c) Rs 1/- d) Free of cost Ans:b
4. The daily MO issue journal and MO paid list prepared in
a) MO-2, MO-4 b) MO-4, MO14
c) MO 17, MO 18 d) None of these Ans:a
5. MO issue journal prepared in
a) Single copy d) In duplicate
c) In triplicate d) In quadruplicate Ans:c
6. Mark the correct option
a) MO check list prepared in MO 70
b) HVMO list prepared in MO-75
c) Register of MO received prepared in MO-3
d) All the above Ans:d
7. The round and oblong MO stamp must always remain under lock and key in personal custody of
a) Regn PA b) MO PA
c) Postmaster d) None of these Ans:c
8. MO becomes void
a) At the beginning of the month following the month of its issue.
b) At the end of the month of issue
c) At the end of the month following the month of its issue
d) None of these Ans:c(65)
9. The official who initial in the Postman book in token of receipt of MO acknowledgement is
a) Regn PA b) Postmaster
c) Treasurer d) MO paid PA Ans:d(38)
10. If the remitter presents an application requesting postmaster of office of issue to change the name of payee, the fee to be collected is
a) Second commission in cash
b) Free
c) Second commission in shape of postage stamp affixed on the application
d) None of these Ans:c
11. A money order received for payment to minor of 5 year old is paid to
a) Parent or guardian
b) Minor himself
c) Any elder available at the given address
d) None of these Ans:a(34)
12. If the payee refuses to take MO payment, MO should be
a) Kept in deposit for 7 days
b) Returned to RLO
c) Returned to remitter at once
d) Returned to the remitter after 10 days Ans:c(62)
13. When a remitter presents MO form filled in regional language which is not known at the office of payment, the MO issue PA
a) Translates into English
b) Dispatches the MO form as it is
c) Insists the customer to fill the form in English
d) Refused to book the MO Ans:a(9)
14. If a MO is lost after payment
a) Duplicate MO will be prepared by office of issue
b) Duplicate mo will be prepared by office of payment
c) Certificate of payment will be prepared by office of payment
d) Memo of admission of payment will be prepared by office of issue and on receipt, the office of payment will get the signature of the payee in the memo and forward it to the Audit Office. Ans:d(75)
15. Fee for redirection of an Inland MO is
a) Double of MO commission b) Equal to the MO commission
c) Hal of MO commission d) Free of cost Ans:d(59)
16. If the remitter wants to change the name of payee, after booking of MO
a) No fee is to be collected from eh remitter for the first alteration
b) Second commission equal to first
c) Half of the first commission
d) Postage stamp for Rs 10 to be affixed on the request form Ans:b(61)
17. High Value money order received without HVMO list
a) Will be returned to the remitter
b) Will be paid as usual
c) Will be sent to divisional office for further order
d) Will be kept in deposit to ascertain genuineness from the office of issue
18. The amount of commission on a Service money order for Rs 5000 is
a) Rs 250/- b) Half rate of normal MO
c) Nil d) None of these Ans:c(11)
19. Family allotment money order is remitted by
a) Railway authorities b) Defense authorities
c) Telecom authorities d) None of these Ans:b(55)
20. The MO commission chargeable for remitting Rs 5000/- to National defense fund and Prime minister Relief fund is Rs
a) Rs 250/- b) Half rate of normal MO
c) Nil d) 50 only Ans:c(11)
21. The stamp impressed on Mo form received for payment is
a) Oblong stamp b) Round MO stamp
c) Date stamp d) Name stamp Ans:b(25)
22. If a MO is repaid to the remitter, his signature should be obtained on
a) Only in the MO receipt portion
b) Both in the receipt and acknowledgment portion
c) Only in the acknowledgement portion
d) Only in postman book Ans:a(61)
23. Family allotment MO is printed in
a) Blue ink in red paper b) Blue ink on pink paper
c) Red ink on blue paper d) black ink on blue paper Ans:c(55)
24. If there is a discrepancy of less than Rs 10/- between the amount entered by the remitter and by the office of issue
a) MO issue returned to the office of issue for necessary correction
b) MO is paid only after confirming the value of MO by fax/telegram
c) The amount written by the remitter is paid and irregularity reported to office of issue
d) None of these And:c923)
25. If a payee of the VPMO (sender of the VP article) for Rs 400/- is deceased, then the VPMO should be
a) Returned to the addressee of the VP article
b) paid to the claimant in the presence of alliterate witness
c) Returned to Audit office as unpaid
d) Paid to the claimant after obtaining indemnity bond with one surety Ans:d(77)
26. If a remitter of money order wants to stop its payment to the payee
a) Value of MO and commission paid will be refunded to him
b) Value of Mo will be refunded
c) No refund
d) None of these Ans:b(71)
27. Payment of a MO addressed to a place not served daily by postman will be
a) Made to the messenger as authorized by the payee in a letter given to the Postmaster of office of payment
b) Paid only to the payee
c) Kept in deposit for 7 days an returned for repayment to the remitter
d) All the above Ans:a(30)
28. Which of the following stamps are not impressed by the issuing office while MO are issued
a) The oblong MO stamp
b) Name stamp in acknowledgement portion
c) The round MO stamp
d) Month and audit stamp Ans:c(71)
29. Which one of the following stamps are not impressed at the office of payment of MO
a) The oblong MO stamp
b) Name stamp of office of payment
c) The round MO stamp
d) Ordinary MO stamp after payment of MO Ans:b(7)
30. Money order issued at BO will be
a) Will be numbered examined and issued at the account office as MO presented at the window
b) Forwarded to HO for further action
c) MOs cannot be booked at BO
d) None of these Ans:b(16)
31. The MOs for payment at the office of payment will be received from the
a) Delivery department b) The Postmaster
c) The regn department d) Deposit department Ans:c(22)
32. Money order issued at the Pos will be dispatched
a) Along with other unregistered mail of the PO
b) MO bundles will be made and the bundles dispatched along with labeled bundles of unregistered mails
c) Separate MO bundles will be prepared and transferred to registration PA for dispatch along with registered mails enclosed in R bags
d) Enclosed in separate bag and dispatched Ans:c(21)
33. If there is a discrepancy of Rs. 5/- in the value of MO as written in the MO form by the remitter and as advised by the office of payment
a) The payment should be withheld and a reference made to office of issue
b) The MO should be returned to office of issue
c) The amount entered by the remitter may be paid and irregularity reported to office of issue
d) The case is referred to HO/divisional supdt. for advice Ans:c(23)
34. The MOs paid at BOs will be accounted for
a) At the accounts office b) At the HOs along with its paid MOs
c) Separately at the Audit office d) None of these Ans:a(44)
35. If a money order payable to a person whose identity is not known to the PO is received
a) It cannot be paid at window
b) It should be paid on proper identification b a person known to the PO
c) Should be returned to the sender
d) Can be redirected/dispersed as per written instruction of the person Ans:b(33)
36. If a MO is received payable to a minor
a) It can be paid to the minor if he is old enough to understand the nature of the transaction
b) When the minor is under years of discretion and is living with his parents, payment will be made to his parents on signing the MO on behalf of the minor
c) When the minor is under years of discretion and is not living with his parents, payment can be made to person in whose care the minor is living on getting an undertaking
d) All the above Ans:d(34)
37. When MOs are paid to departmental pensioner, a life certificate should be signed on the back of the acknowledgement portion of the MO form by
a) Near relatives of the pensioner b) A gazetted officer
c) Postman d) MO clerk Ans:c(121)
38. MO payable to lunatics who are committed by proceedings under the lunacy act to lunatic asylum/mental hospital will be paid to
a) The manager of institution
b) The authority who has issued the order under lunacy act
c) The near relatives of the lunatic
d) Will not be paid but returned to sender Ans:d(264)
39. In case money order received for payment to a blind person
a) The provision as for payment of MOs to minors to be followed
b) Money order should not be paid but returned to remitter
c) The provisions as for payment of MOs to pardanishin woman to be followed
d) Provision for payment of MOs to illiterate payees should be observed
40. Money order brought back toward unpaid MOs should be handed over to
a) The Postmaster b) Treasurer
c) The MO clerk d) The sub account PA Ans:b(266)
41. When family allotment money order are paid
a) The MOs paid shall be listed along with other MOs
b) The MOs will be entered in separate journal and accounted for separately in the accounts
c) Will be entered in MO paid journals and the total entered in the ordinary journal
d) None of these Ans:c(281)
42. In the case of an inland MO, in which it is learnt that the payee has left India and his revised address, is known to the PO
a) The MO cannot be redirected but is should be returned to the remitter.
b) The MO can be redirected to payee in another foreign country as per the information available
c) The Mo can be redirected, but he difference in the commission of the redirected MO to a foreign country should be deducted in the original value of MO
d) None of these Ans:c(59)
43. If a VPMO in favour of the sender of a VP article is remaining unclaimed at the PO
a) The MO will be returned to the addressee of the VP article for repayment
b) The issuing postmaster will encash the VPMO as the remitter and credit to PO accounts
c) The VPMO will be treated as void and sent to audit office
d) None of these Ans:c(61)
44. The commission on MO can be refunded if the
a) MO is repaid to remitter
b) MO is wrongly returned back to remitter
c) The value of MO is defrauded
d) The commission in no case be refunded Ans:d(63)
45. The period of currency period of Money order expire
a) With the close of last day of the month of issue
b) With the close of last day of the month following month of issue
c) Three months from the date of issue of MO
d) With the close of six months following the month of issue Ans:b(65)
46. The remitter can be altered the office of payment of the payees address
a) On payment of second commission
b) Without any fees
c) Not permissible
d) Only can ask repayment to him Ans:b(69)
47. In sub offices where there are no treasurer cash for payment of MOs will be given to the Postmen by the
a) Sub Postmaster b) Joint custodian
c) The MO clerk d) The head Postman Ans:c((27)
48. Memo of admission of payment is obtained
a) When duplicate money order are issued
b) When a money order is lost before payment
c) When a money order is lost after payment
d) When money order was paid to a person other than the payee. Ans:c(75)
49. All head and sub offices journal of money order paid are sent to audit
a) Daily b) Weekly
d) Twice in the month d) Monthly Ans:c(83)
50. The instances in which the MO receipt is treated as spoiled are when
a) There is an error in any of the entries requiring correction
b) When the receipt is disfigured due to spilling of ink etc
c) A receipt is inadvertently passed over and left blank and noticed at close of the day
d) All the above Ans:d(12)
51. When a MO paid to a wrong person and the claimant urges for payment before recovery of the amount from the wrong perosn
a) It cannot be done
b) Claim can be admitted on getting on indemnity bond
c) Payment can be made on proper sanction from the head of the division
d) Payment can be made on proper sanction form the head of the circle
52. If the addressee of the VP article complain that he had been defrauded by the sender
a) The amount collected can be returned to the addressee
b) The amount can be kept under suspense and case referred to office of posting
c) The amount to be credited under UCR and case referred to Head of the Cirlce
d) None of these Ans:c(51)
53. An Indian Postal Order presented for payment not bearing the round MO stamp of office of issue
a) Cannot be paid
b) Can be paid after necessary verification from the office of issue
c) Will be returned to office of issue for suplly of omission and paid
d) None of these Ans:b(189)
54. The cases in which defective IPOs be paid without reference to higher authority
a) The IPO was first erroneously receipted by a person other than the payee entire cancelled and properly receipted by the payee.
b) Receipting signature of the payee scored out by mistake or for defective one and properly receipted.
c) Where the IPO was erroneously receipted the purchaser, it subsequently cancelled and receipted by the payee.
d) All the above Ans:d(191)
55. The period of currency of IPO with second commission
a) Three calendar month from the last day of the month the IPO was issued
b) Six month from the last day of the month the IPO was issued
c) 24 months
d) 36 months Ans:d(195)
56. The IPO presented after the expiry period of currency, but before the time for forfeiture
a) Cannot be paid
b) Can be paid on authority from the audit
c) Can be paid on payment of second commission by means of postage stamps
d) None of these Ans:c(195)
57. When an IPO is lost after payment.
a) An application should be made through the Supdt. of post office to the Head of the circle asking for permission to issue a certificate of payment
b) The application should contain serial number and the denomination of the missing order
c) Both the A and B
d) None of these Ans:c(200)
58. An IPO should not be paid to the payee it
a) The signature of the issuing postmaster is wanting
b) The round MO/special stamp of issuing office is not impressed.
c) Both the signature of issuing Postmaster/ Round impression wanting
d) All the above Ans:c(189)
59. Refund of value of IPO can be granted to the purchaser
a) At the office of issue on production of counter foil or the purchaser is known to the post office
b) At any other office on production of counterfoil or the purchaser is known to the post office
c) Both the above
d) None of these Ans:c(196)
60. In the case of inland money order paid certificate of payment is issued by the postmaster of office of payment in the case of
a) Loss of MO after payment
b) If the MO acknowledgment is lost in transit and the remitter applies for it
c) Both the above
d) None of these Ans:b(43)
61. All MOs including VPMO will be treated a high value MO
a) For an amount of Rs 200/- and above
b) For an amount of Rs 500/- and above
c) For an amount of Rs 1000/- and above
d) For an amount of Rs 400/- and above Ans:d(87)
62. Payment of crossed Indian Postal order will be made
a) By cash
b) Direct to the payee
c) Through PO Saving bank or any of the bank
d) All the above Ans:c(192)
63. BO slips are prepared by
a) HO b) BO
c) SO(AO d) All the above Ans:c
64. Min and Max cash balance for each SO will be fixed by
a) Head post master b) Inspector/ ASP of the Sub division
c) PMG d) Divisional Supdt. Ans:d
65. If a money order cannot be paid owing to the death of the payee
a) It should be paid to his relatives in the address
b) It should be treated as an unclaimed order
c) It should be kept in deposit
d) None of these Ans:b(70)
66. A money order booked at the value of RS 1000/- received for payment without oblong stamp impression – the MO should be
a) Paid as usual
b) Case should be reported to office of issue detaining the MO
c) MO to be retuned to office of issue
d) Matter should be reported to Superintendent Ans:b(23)
67. Witness is not necessary for delivery of
a) Regd article addressed to an illiterate addressee
b) An insured article received for delivery to a minor
c) MO for payment an illiterate payee
d) A TMO for payment to a payee without fingers
68. What is the max limit of value of money order which may issued for payment by a Postman and Gp D in urban area, , village postman ED agent
a) 12000,5000,5000 b) 5000,8000,10000
b) 15000,10000,50000 d) None of these Ans:a
69. A money order received but loss before payment
a) The postmaster should then give an intimation to the office of issue by telegraph/fax
b) After receiving the intimation the office of issue will prepare duplicate MO in MO 57 and forward to office of payment by service regd post
c) A report regarding the issue of a duplicate money order should be made to the home postal account office.
d) All the above Ans:d
70. Memo admission of payment in form MO 10(a) is prepared
a) When a MO loss after payment
b) When a MO loss before payment
c) Either A or B
d) Neither A nor B Ans:a
71. Application for the payment of void MO should ordinarily be made within
a) One year from the date of issue of the money order
b) Two year from the date of issue of the money order
c) Six month from the date of issue of the money order
d) None of these Ans:a
72. 16th of the every month_____ will be send void MO list to ______in form MO 19(b)
a) SO, HO, b) SO, Circle Account office
c) SO, Postal Account Office d) HO , Postal account office Ans:d
73. MO station bundle prepared ____MO for particular station
a) Five or more b) Three or more
c) Two or more d) Four or more Ans:c
74. MO become void when
a) The MO not paid to payee or remitter
b) The MO not paid to payee or remitter at the end of the month following the month of its issue
c) The MO not paid to payee or remitter at the end of the year
d) None of these Ans:b
75. Summary of MO issue and payment is prepared in
a) MO 17, MO 18 b) MO 15, MO 16
c) MO 12, MO 13 d) None of these Ans:a