1. The first class HO situated at the HQ of the Head of the circle or, where there are more than one such HO, the one is attached to HQ is called as
a) Head post office b) First Class Post office
c) General Post Office d) None of the above Ans: c(6)
2. The service responsible for the carriage of mails by rail, road, river and air and for the collection and distribution of mails received form Post offices by mail offices and section
a) Army postal service b) Mobile post office service
c) Railway Mail Service d) None of the above Ans: c(2)
3. A main office of group of post offices consisting of itself and a number of smaller offices called sub and branch office which have been placed under its Account jurisdictions is called as
a) Head Post Office b) First class post office
c) General Post Office c) None of these Ans: a(5)
4. Post office which is situated on a line of through mail communication receive & sorts bags intended for office in advance, without opening them is
a) TMO b) SO
c) Transit office d) None of the above Ans: c(9a)
5. A branch of RMS where closed bags are received and dispatched sorting of letter is not done in this unit mail agent or mail guard is in charge of this unit is a
a) Transit office b) Head office
c) Transit mail office d) None of the above Ans: c(9b)
6. Mark correct option
a) Sorting mail office charged with the duty of opening the sorting mail bags received by it and deposing of their contents.
b) AMPC mean automatic mail processing centre sorting is done by machine.
c) CRC mean computerized Registration centre. Regn work is done by computer
d) All of these. Ans: d(9-10)
7. Mark correct option
a) Sorting sub office are situated near the junction of several mail lines
b) Nodal Post office is working in important cities some post office are authorized to receive letters from neighboring PO and sort the mail as per sorting diagram.
c) Central bagging unit is branch of RMS office .
d) All the above Ans:d(11)
8. An office is established at HQ of a Postal circle and deal with unclaimed and refused articles and articles without address or incomplete address is called as
a) Nodal Post office b) Head post office
c) Returned letter office d) None of the above Ans:c(12)
9. Mark correct options
a) A post office or Sorting office or section which xchanges mails with offices in foreign countries is known as ‘Office of exchange”.
b) A Foreign post office is an office of exchange in which the work of assessment of customs duty on foreign mail is also carried out.
c) A Sub foreign Post office is does not close and receive any bags but in which the work of customs examination, assessment and accounting of custom duty is carried out.
d) All the above Ans: d(13)
10. Railway Mail service working on Railway or river streamer lines is called
a) Mail Office b) Bag Office
c) Transit section d) Transit mail office Ans: c(14)
11. The mail office deals with contents of mail bags addressed to them and with closed forward bags is called as
a) Transit Mail Office b) Sorting mail office
c) Transit Section d) Record office Ans:b(15)
12. The mail office deals only with closed bags is called as
a) Transit Mail Office b) Sorting mail office
c) Transit Section d) Record office Ans:a(15)
13. Mark correct option
a) Mail office are two kind one is Sorting mail office another is Transit mail office
b) Mail agent incharge of Sorting mail office and HAS is incharge TMO
c) Mass mailing centreis help to customer who are regularly posting max number
of letters, as help him to writing the address, affix stamp etc
d) Press Sorting office is situated on promises of the newspaper. All the
expenditure is borne by the publisher.
e) All the above Ans: e(15)
14. Mark incorrect option
a) RO is a stationary office of the RMS where work paper of the sections attached to it are prepared, checked and placed on record, all forms & bags.
b) HRO is stationary office situated at the HQ of RMS Dn
c) SRO is situated at the same station as a Mail office.
d) None of these Ans:d(16-18)
15. Mark correct option
a) Every PO is Unit Bag office other than BO and EDSO
b) Every HRO/SRO in RMS is identified ad District Bag office
c) The PSD situated at the HQ of Postal circle is identified as Circle Bag Office
d) D section of Postal directorate works as Central Bag office. This is not deal with any bags but only deals with the correspondence relating distributions of bags
e) All the above Ans:e(18)
16. Journey performed by a set of Section traveling on duty from one end to the another end of its beat is called
a) Section b) Beat
c) Trip d) None of these Ans: c(22)
17. Mark correct option
a) Station articles are intended for delivery from a PO to which they are sent
b) Sorting articles are articles that are to be sorted by the Poor Mail Office to which they are sent, and fwd to office of final destination or to other sorting offices
c) Label bundle are two type express bundle and differed bundle
d) Express bundle require to sort immediately & Differed bundle may be disposed later.
e) All the above Ans: e(23,24)
18. Mark correct option
a) Pink check slip for ordinary paid and unpaid bundle
b) Blue check slip for Airmail
c) White check slip for both express & differed bundle
d) Marked 2 diagonal line green for local article, yellow for rajdhani & blue for metro bundle
e) All the above Ans: e(25)
19. Mark correct option
a) The weight of TB should not be exceed 30 Kg weight
b) MO check slip printed in red in on white or badami paper
c) Registered bundle prepared there are three or more uninsured letter.
d) Regd bag may contain cash bag, ordinary and VP regd article, insured
envelope, regd bundle, ins bundle, ordinary &VP MO
e) All the above Ans: e(28)
20. A bag is used to enclose several bags sent to the same office or section thereby affording protection to them called
a) Packet Bag b) Insured Bag
c) Transit Bag d) None of these Ans: c(33)
21. A bag is used to enclosed correspondence of the high officer of Govt called as
a) Camp bag b) Special bag
c) Transit bag d) None of these Ans: b(37)
22. Mark correct option
a) An account bag is used between a SO to HO vice versa
b) SO to HO account bag contain SO daily account
c) HO to SO account bag contain SO Slip
d) Account bag are due bag
e) All the above Ans: e(34)
23. A and B order is issued by
a) Supdt of RMS b) PMG
c) Supdt of Post office c) HRO Ans: a(46,47)
24. A order contain
a) Proposed changes in the sorting list
b) Performance of SA duties in mail offices
c) Disposal of camp articles
d) None of the above Ans: a(46)
25. B order contain
a) Proposed changes in the sorting list
b) Performance of SA duties in mail offices
c) Disposal of camp articles
d) None of the above Ans: b(46)
27. The list showing the details of bags to be received and dispatched by a mail office/transit section is
a) Sorting list b) Due mail list
c) A order d) B order Ans: b(52a)
28. The list showing the manner in which the articles must be dispatched is
a) Sorting list b) Due mail list
c) A order d) B order Ans:a(52a)
29. The mail comprised of articles and documents which must be dispatched every day or at regular intervals is termed as
a) Due mails b) Unusual mails
c) Bulk mails d) None of the above Ans: a(53)
30. Letter posted after the prescribed hours of closing the mails but within the time permitted for posting and with prescribed late fee (in addition to the postage) are called
a) Too late letters b) Late letters
c) Missent letters d) Non of the above Ans: b(56a)
31. Letter posted after the prescribed hours of closing the mails but within the time permitted for posting and without affixing prescribed postage and late fee are called
a) Too late letters b) Late letters
c) Missent letters d) Non of the above Ans: a(56a)
32. An article which has been erroneously forwarded by an office to an office other than the office of destination and an article is a vernacular article on which the incorrect destination are
a) Mis-sent & mis directed article b) Too late letter
c) Late letters d) Non of the above Ans: a(57)
33. Mark incorrect correct option
a) Trial card used for the purpose of determining the relative advantage of
alternative mail routes or the cause of detention to articles
b) Trial cards are red colour
c) Trial card should not be included in any station bundle
d) All of these Ans:d(57)
34. The timing of clearance of letter at railway station is fixed by
c) Sub Divisional Inspector of Posts d) IRM Ans: b(58)
35. The registered newspaper addressed to foreign countries must have
a) Separate license for posting
b) License to post without prepayment
c) License to post only on prepayment of postage
d) None of these Ans:a(58a)
36. The min number of copies of Regd newspaper posted at a time
a) 100 b) 50
c) 75 d) 60 Ans: a(58a)
37. Mark correct option
a) Bill of franking machine used is prepared in form MS10
b) In RMS offices, letter box key should be kept in custody of Sorting Assistant
c) Greeting cards are treated as first class mails in sorting. During the greeting
season they are given air lift also without air surcharge otherwise surface mode.
d) Label bundle should not contain more than 50 to 60 letters & post cards.
e) All of the above Ans:e
38. Mark correct option
a) Territorial bundle prepared for foreign when not less than 5 articles
b) Bulk bag system is not available for Srilanka, Nepal, Buthan & Pakistan
c) Ordinary circumstances the bulk of the correspondence for any office is more
than a single mailbag can contain called as plural mail bags
d) When extra mail bag(unusual mail) is closed for PO or Mail office the registered bag should be place in the due mail list
e) All of the above Ans: e
39. Normally mail list prepared in
a) Triplicate b) Duplicate
c) Single copy d) Quadruplicate Ans: b(76b)
40. Air mail bags dispatched to each port of call is accompanied with
a) Window delivery ticket b) Inland airmail delivery bill
c) Mail list d) None of these Ans: b(76)
41. Face of the article mean
a) Back side of the article b) The side on which sender address written
c) The side on which addressee address written d) None of these Ans: c(54)
42. Letter posted in the Night post office without payment of late feed will be
a) Impressed with the remarks ‘Detained late fee not paid’ and included on the next day dispatch
b) Returned to the sender with the remarks ‘late fee not paid’
c) Detained without any remarks
d) None of these Ans: a(56a)
43. The incharge of a RMS division is called
a) Senior/Superintendent of RMS b) Sub Divisional ASRM
c) HRO d) SRO Ans: a(4)
44. The lowest unit of post office is
a) Head Post Office b) Sub post office
c) EDSO b) BO Ans:d(8)
45. Monthly sorting order is issued by
a) PMG b) SSP/SP
c) DG Posts d) CPMG Ans: d(9)
46. The officer incharge of a Head Record office is designated as
a) Head Postmaster b) Record officer
c) Head record officer d) Head sorter Ans: c(17)
47. Territorial regd bundl are prepared when the number of registered article is
a) 25 or more b) 5 or more
c) 10 or more d) 50 or more Ans: a(24)
48. The keys and changeable hour plate of a letter box must be kept in the custody of
a) Postmaster b) APM
c) Postal Assistant d) Treasurer Ans: c
49. Station bundle are prepared only when the no of article either paid of unpaid of any PO
a) 5 b) 7
b) 3 d) 14 Ans: d(24)
50. The mail posted BO are sent to
a) Directly to RMS mail office b) HO
c) AO for inclusion into bag to the mail office d) None of these Ans: c(8)
51. Transcription centre is a cell established in
a) All administrative offices b) All HOs c) All ROs d) A sorting mail office situeated at HQ of the circle or at any convenient sorting
office in the circle. Ans: d(12)
52. The number of office exchange established by the dept of posts
a) 5 b) 4
c) 6 d) 3 Ans: b(13)
53. The unit bag office will send its daily bag balance report to
a) The local HO b) The SPOs office
c) The SRM office d) The district bag office Ans:d(18a)
54. The DBO is inspected by
a) The SRM b) The HRO
c) The SPOs d) The circle Bag office Ans: d(18a)
55. Each set of section will have
a) Different working hours b) Different establishment c) Different mail arrangements
d) Same working hours,same establishment and same mail arrangement
Ans: d(21a)
56. When there are no air articles for an airmail bag prescribed
a) A suitable remarks should be made in the delivery bill concerned
b) A bag with ‘Nil’ contents is to be closed
c) It is enough if a remark is made in the office record
d) None of the above Ans: a(28a)
57. Mark correct option
a) When the airmail bag contain less than 50 articles and there is no insured article or air parcel an airmail cover of suitable size should be used instead of a bag
b) When an air parcel is sent inside of airmail bag the label should bear “CAP”
c) The weight of airmail bag or TB should not exceed 30 KG weight.
d) Separate ins letter bag closed when more than 10 ins article for any office.
e) All the above Ans: e
58. When an insured letter bag is prescribed as a due bag it should be
a) Dispatched inside the regd bag with remarks in the regd list.
b) Sent loose duly advised in the mail list
c) Sent duly included in the mail bag closed
d) Closed as a separate D bag Ans: a(29)
59. Mark the correct option
a) Changing station is a Railway station is where the beats of two transit sections join and where the mails brought by one of them are handed over to the other
b) A connecting station is an RMS section working in a train in immediate connection with another train in which another RMS section works
c) Regn of newspaper, renewal or canceling any registration will be issued by Head of the department
d) All the above Ans: d
60. The copies of the newspaper without prepayment will be handed over to window along with an invoice which should be
a) In triplicate b) In duplicate
c) In quadruplicate d Single copy Ans: b(58a)
61. The minimum limit fixed for posting Regd. News paper without prepayment at a time for foreign destination is
a) 500 b) 200
c) 100 d) 100 Ans:d(58a)
62. On checking the entries in the invoice (tendered along with the Regd. News paper without prepayment ) if there by any discrepancy noticed.
a) The posting should be refused b) The PM can use his discretion
c) The o/o posting should make the requisite correction under the initial of the HO
d) None of these Ans: c(58A)
63. The payment due in connection with posting of Regd News paper without prepayment is to be made
a) Quarterly b) Monthly
c) Weekly d) fortnightly Ans:d(58a)
64. The posting of the Regd. Newspaper without prepayment should be stopped and license deemed to be cancelled in the event of non payment of a bill
a) Within one week following the fortnight to which the bill relates.
b) Within one month following the fortnight to which the bill relates.
c) Within fortnight following the fortnight to which the bill relates.
d) None of these Ans: c(58A)
65. Machine franked article can be posted not more than
a) Three offices b) Two offices
c) only one office d) None of these Ans b(58b)
66. At the office of posting the officer responsible for seeing that the article have been franked in the prescribed manner and that systematic under payment is not going on is
a) The Inspector posts b) The counter PA
c) The Postmaster d) None of these Ans:c(58b)
67. Daily docket in the prescribed form is used by
a) The licensee along with his last posting of franked article at the prescribed office
b) The supervisor of a mail office to submit his report to the divisional Head
c) The PRI(P) to send hi dairy to the SPOs
d) None of these Ans: a(58b)
68. Whenever, owing to the unusual bulk mail for an office extra transit bags are closed
a) The word ‘extra bag’ should be written on the label
b) The number of extra transit bags closed should be entered in the mail list
c) Each extra transit bag closed should contain its separate mail list showing the
particulars of bags enclosed
d) All the above Ans:d (78)
69. Mark correct option
a) The resetting of the credit meter of the franking machine will be done at the PO
b) Cut out labels with frank impression on them for prepayment of postage cannot be used for insured articles
c) The 2nd class articles treated as 1st class mail in sorting are Greetins/ Regd Newspapers/ Wedding invitations
d) The duty of taxing postage on foreign articles rest entirely with the office of foreign exchange of the country of posting
e) All the above Ans: e)
70. When a cash bag enclosed in a Regd. Bag is forwarded in a mail bag the symble to be written on label of the mail bag is
a) Cash bag b) F
c) C d) A/C Ans b(73)
71. Mark correct option
a) Incharge of Head post office is Head Post Master
b) Incharge of Sub post office is Sub Post Master
c) Incharge of Branch post office is Branch post master
d) Incharge of transit mail office is Mail agent/mail guard
e) All the above Ans; e)
72. Sub office is authorized to receive
a) Articles all kinds in sorting b) Fully pre-paid articles
c) Regd articles d) None of these Ans: a(11)
73. Pre mailing activities are done at
a) Business Post centre b) Press sorting office
c) Head post office d) None of these Ans: b(15b)
74. The head office is the main office of account
a) For itself b) For all SO kept under it
c) For all BO kept under it d) All the above Ans: d(5)
75. The post office seal for sealing the franking machine must be kept
a) In the personnel custody of the PRI(P)
b) In the personnel custody of the Postmaster
c) In the Divisional office
d) None of these Ans:b(58c)
76. Mark incorrect option
a) Complaint and enquiries relating to foreign mail the postage stamp equivalent to the fee prescribed is charged
b) The sender of foreign article should be written ‘RENVOI PAR AVION’(return by
air mail) for get back the acknowledge ment
c) Parcel shall not contain more than one written communication but this rule shall not apply to an official parcel.
d) All the above are correct Ans:d
77. The Postmaster or_______personal duties prescribed in this rule may, under the order of_________, be delegated to the _________, Assistant Postmaster, Supervisor or office supervisor of the _______ as the case may be.
a) Head Sorting Assistant , Head of the Circle, Deputy postmaster, office
b) Sorting assistant , Supdt of Rms, Deputy postmaster, office
c) Postal assistant , Head of the Circle, Deputy postmaster, office
d) Record officer , Head of the Circle, Deputy postmaster, office Ans: a
78. In sorting Mail offices, the ______________should maintain___________showing the number of _________articles received. ______________ will tick off these entries in check sheet.
a) Postmaster, abstract, insured, HPM
b) MO cleark, check sheet, MO, HSA/ Supervisor
c) Registration/parcel Sorting assistant, check sheet, insured, HSA/ Supervisor
d) Registration/parcel Sorting assistant, check sheet, MO, HSA/ Supervisor
Ans: c
79. The book of postmarks should be maintain
a) All Post office b) Mail office & Transit section
c) Record offie d) All the above Ans: d(103)
80. The fact of cleaning of seals and stamps should every time be recorded in postmaster ____ in Head offices in the _________ in Sub offices in the__________of the HAS, the mail agent or the Record assistant which will be examined by the ____at the time of inspection
a) Daily a/c, Error book, dairy, inspecting officer
b) Order book, Error book, rough note, inspecting officer
c) Order book, dairy, rough note, postmaster
d) Order book, Error book, dairy, inspecting officer Ans: b
81 Article marked ‘By parcel post’ found in letter box
a) The official detecting the irregularity should be make a not of it in his error book.
b) In POs the article should be transferred to the parcel assistant and treated and charged with postage as a registered parcel,
c) In RMS, the article should be marked ‘found in letter box’ transferred to Parcel Sorting Assistant
d) All the above Ans: d(116)
82. OIGS/FOAS mean
a) On India Government Service / Free on active service
b) On insured guarantee service/ Free on acknowledge service
c) Any one of the above d) None of these Ans: a
83. Tin Seal used for closing
a) All insured bags b) Heavy/large bags of letter/parcel mails.
c) All the above d) None of these Ans: c(132)
84. Mark correct option relating to limit of weigh of mails
a) The weight to be carried by mail runner on a man should not exceed 14 Kg
b) When it is carried by each man should not exceed 28 Kg
c) When it is carried by trolley the weight of the parcel should not exceed 37 Kg
d) The weight of postal articles including parcel and cash to be carried by a
postman or village postman should not exceed 10 kg
e) All the above Ans: e)(135)
85. Important irregularities to be reported by telegraph /fax
a) A due bag not received, or left behind
b) A due mail, regd or parcel list not received or received missent
c) A daily a/c, or SO Slip not received
d) Absence of mail carrie
e) All the above Ans: e)(144)
86. The application for recall/redelivery of letter should be dispatch by
a) Regd Post b) ordinary
c) Speed Post d) Service Regd post Ans: d(148)
87. Application of recall of articles should be kept or record
a) two year (inland article), eighteen month(foreign articles)
b) one year (inland article), two year (foreign articles)
c) one year (inland article), eighteen month(foreign articles)
d) Six month (inland article), twelve month(foreign articles) Ans: c(148)
88. Mark correct option
a) Director General’s circular are issue once in a month
b) Each set of circulars should be kept in a guard book .
c) In sub offices circular are signed by SPM and other official also
d) All the above Ans: d(149)
89. Ordinary postage stamps, coins and other articles of valued found in letter boxes or on a counter the action taken by postmaster is
a) When ordinary stamp are found in letter box will have been defaced and the entry will be made in error book
b) If unused Postcard other than private manufacture, empty envelope , stamp sheet currency note found in letter box or counter its value credited to UCR.
c) In the RMS such items will be fwd to Record officer duly advised in daily report The Record officer should transfer to local postmaster
d) Application received from public for the return of articles mentioned above the refund value should be submitted for order of HOD.
e) All the above Ans: e(154)
90. Mark the correct option
a) Half yearly enumeration returns will be submitted during the second week of the months of February and August of each ear 8th to 14th both day inclusive.
b) An enumeration return must be made of the number of ordinary UR articles of the letter mail and UR parcel given out for delivery to Postman and window.
c) All the above d) None of these Ans: c(155)
91. Mark the correct option
a) The camp bag booked as parcel will be sent by surface route and will be charged with the postage payable on a parcel weighting 10 Kg plus registration fee and incidental charges .
b) The camp bag booked as letter mail will not be charge with any additional postage other than Registration fee.
c) The camp bag is due to be collected on any day including Sunday & Holiday.
d) All of these Ans: d(159)
92. Mark correct option related to preservation period
a) All records of mail department except due mail & sorting list 1 year
b) Book of post marks(MS 18) & Postman book (MS-27) 1 ½ year
c) Enumeration returns (MS-6) 2 years
d) All monthly statistical registers 3 years
e) All of the above Ans: e
93. Mark correct option related to preservation period
a) Nominal roll cum attendance & destruction of record register is permanent
b) All records of registration and parcel dept except foreign article is 1 year
c) All records of registration and parcel dept related fo foreign articles is 1 ½ year
d) All records of MO is 1 ½ year, IPO 42 months, Book of MO receipt is 2 years
e) All the above Ans:e)
94. The cases of losses of mails due to Road accident, railways accident, air crash should always be reported to
a) Head of the Region b) Postmaster of HO
c) Sub divisional Head d) None of these Ans:a(170)
95. Cash & insured articles should not be dispatched through
a) MMS b) Transit section
c) Sorting Section d) Weighment system Ans d(227)
96. The payment of weighment system is made to the railway authorities
a) Annually b) Quarterly
c) Half Yearly d) Monthly Ans: c(225)
97. The payment of occasional dispatch is made to the Railway authorities
a) Annually b) Quarterly
c) Half Yearly d) Monthly Ans: b(226)
98. Any irregularity that comes to the notice of Head of the office shall be entered in
a) Error book b) Hand to Hand receipt
c) Office order book d) Book of postmark Ans:a (145)
99. The weight of mails that can be carried by a mail carrier in hilly area is
a) 14 Kg b) 15 Kg
c) 16 Kg d) 20 Kg Ans:b(135)
100. An article addressed in a language not known to the office of posting should be sent to
a) RLO b) Sender
c) RMS d) Transcription center Ans:c(109)
101. An unpaid letter addressed to a place of in foreign should be
a) Returned to sender b) Send to RLO
c) Forwarded to the office of exchange in separate bundle
d) None of these Ans: d(110a)
102. Book of postmark used for taking the impression of round MO, oblong MO and unpaid stamps should be kept
a) In the personal custody of the postmaster
b) In the custody of the Assistant Postmaster(Mails)
c) In the custody of Mails PA
d) In the custody of treasurer Ans:a(103)
103. Insufficiently paid outward foreing letter can be taxed only by
a) Office of Posting b) Sorting PA of the office
c) Office of foreign exchange d) RMS office Ans:c(110a)
104. If an UR article is received in open and torn condition at the office of delivery,
a) Returned to RLO
b) Returned to the sender
c) Entrusted to postman for delivery enclosed in a protected cover
d) None of these Ans: c(114)
105. At the office of delivery, an unregistered article of the letter mail addressed to more than on person is
a) Delivered to any one of the addresses
b) Returned to Sender
c) Delivered to any one of the addresses but in the order in which the name
appear on the cover
d) None of these Ans:c(117)
106. Sanction of ‘recall of article’ to return the article to the sender or to alter/correct the address will be issued by
a) Divisional Superindent b) PMG
c) Sub divisional Head d) Head/Sub Postmaster Ans: a(148)
107. Weighment System bags are carried through
a) By bus b) By train
c) By mail Runner d) None of these Ans: b(226)
108. If the Regd article is insufficiently paid , the difference of postage will be collected from
a) The addressee b) The sender
c) The regn counter PA of o/o booking d) PM of o/o booking Ans: c(99)
109. When the addressee of a damaged insured article refuses to take delivery
a) The article should be returned to the sender duly protected in a pro bag
b) Police complaint to be lodged
c) Reported to Divisional office for further order
d) Returned to RLO Ans: a(196)
110. Facsimile impression of signature on an acknowledgement
a) Can be accepted b) Cannot be accepted
c) Discretion of the PM d) None of these Ans:a(146)
111. Due mail and sorting list a particular PO is issued by
a) The PM of the concerned PO b) Sub divisional Inspector
c) The supdt of Post office concerned d) ASP Ans: c(136)
112. If in course of transmission of parcel it is noticed that the parcel contains more than one written communication of the nature of a letter of having the character of a personnel communication the parcel should be
a) Returned to sender with suitable remarks
b) Taxed as I class and sent to the destination
c) Endorsed ‘for open delivery’ and fwd to destination for arrangement open
d) None of these Ans: c(88)
113. Articles registered in a PO for delivery from the office itself should be
a) Entered in a station registered list and kept for following days delivery
b) Dispatched to the local RMS mail office for further delivery
c) Dispatched to HO for further disposal
d) The letter should not booked. Ans: a(90)
114. A direct parcel bag is to be closed a delivery PO where the number of Regd. Insured parcel is
a) Three or more b) Severn or more
c) Ten or more d) Five or more Ans: d(91)
115 Maintenance of insured check sheet by sorting mail office may be relaxed by
. a) The Supdt of RMS b) Head of the circle
c) By the D section of the directorate d) None of these Ans: b(96)
116. In the case of redirected parcels on which redirection fee is recoverable from the addressee if any incorrect fee had been made entry
a) The parcel should be returned to the sender with remarks
b) The parcel Assistant who noticed the irregularity can make necessary
correction and send the parcel for onward submission
c) The parcel assistant should bring the fact to the notice of the postmaster who should correct it under his initial
d) None of these Ans: c(99)
117. Suspected cases of reuse of used stamps on the article received in transmission from BO should be reported to
a) The supdt of Post office b) The Head Post offices
c) The sub divisional Inspector d) None of these Ans: c(99)
118. Mark the correct option
a) In case of inward Foreign article if postage stamps which are not cancelled by the o/o origin received, it should be cancelled by a thick stroke in ink.
b) UR articles of the letter mail posted bearing no postage stamp should be impressed on the back with the stamp
c) Late letters posted in RMS letter boxes on which a late fee has not been paid should be impressed on back with the ‘Detained – late fee not paid stamp’
d) In HOs the station articles of the letter mail received on which postage due should be impressed on the back with the PMs unpaid stamp only
e) All the above Ans: e(107)
119. Mark correct option
a) If an article the regn of which is compulsory if found in a letter box after the closing of the counter, it should be kept in deposit till the office is next open for registration
b) Unpaid article addressed to officials of postal dept, it should be taxed with the postage in the usual way, treated as refused and sent to RLO.
c) If an UR article found open in sorting should be protected by enclosing an envelope with a remarks written on a cover ‘ received open’ and dispatched to destination
d) The article posted in India having affixed with foreign postage should not be recognized in payment of postage or other postal charges.
e) All the above Ans: e(115)
120. Unpaid and insufficiently paid article other than letter and postcard for foreign countries received in posting
a) Should be forwarded to RLO
b) Should be forwarded to the office of exchange .
c) Should be returned to the sender for delivery on recovery of an amount equal
to double the deficiency at inland rate
d) None of these Ans: c(110)
121. Postcard manufactured privately which are either thicker or less flexible than the departmental inland postal card.
a) Should be allowed to pass unchallenged
b) Should be refused transmission
c) Should be returned to RLO
d) None of these Ans: a(112)
122. Mark the correct option
a) Any goods transmission through inland post is prohibited found in PO should be detained and an immediate report submitted to Head of the Circle/Region.
b) If a leaky parcel is detected in a PO or transferred to it by a section or a mail office should be detained and a report should be made to the SPOs/Istclass PM for order
c) If in a PO article being opened are found to contain opium or allied drugs should be made over its all contents to the nearest Excise officer for further proceeding
d) Any article passing through the PO suspected that the article contain any thing is prohibited by inland post should be forwarded in a cover and marked ‘doubtful’ addressed to the Postmaster of destination
e) All the above Ans:e(122,123)
123. Mark the correct option
a) The due mail and sorting list for PO and mail offices in communication with offices in more than one RMS Dn are prepared and supplied by the Head of the circle
b) The due mail and sorting list for PO in direct communication with a mail office in one RMS Dn will be issued by the Supdt of RMS concerned
c) Village sorting lists are prepared and supplied to Head, Sub and Branch office by Sub divisional Inspectors.
d) All the above Ans:d(137)
124. If an article is found franked by a person who is not entitled to the privilege
a) Returned to sender with remarks b) Article detained & Report to SPO
c) The frank should be ignored and the article should be taxed with the postage
d) None of these Ans: c(125)
125. In the event of an error in a mail list and when a revised or corrected mail list is received
a) The revised document can be kept safely in the correspondence file
b) The revised document can be substituted by removing the earlier one
c) Both the list s should be retained on record attached to each other a note being added on the original
d) The error mail list should be returned to sender Ans:c(128)
126. The maximum weight limit for a bag conveyed by the railway mail service is
a) 28 Kg b) 30 Kg
c) 14 Kg d) 37 Kg Ans: d(135)
127. The very purpose of posting trial cards will be defeated if the following columns are not properly filled in by the supervisor of the receiving unit
a) Column (1) & Column(2) b) Column (3) & Column(4)
c) Column (1) & Column(3) d) None of these Ans: a(139)
128. The office of delivery after making necessary entries in the trial card received will return the trail card it by
a) Ordinary post as unregistered article
b) Keep it for its office record
c) Including it in a service cover addressed to the officer who posted it
d) Regd. Post duly enclosed in a service cover Ans: c(139)
129. Records of a PO or a mail office should be produced to a Police officer who is making an investigation in a cognizable case under CRPC
a) After getting the approval of Head of the circle
b) After approval of the divisional Head
c) After getting written order form the police concerned
d) None of these Ans: c(152)
130. The addressee can be allowed to use facsimile impression for getting delivery of
a) Registered letter b) Money order
c) Insured article d) None of these Ans: a(146)
131. If any correction is made in the total of entries in regd. list
a) It should be attested by the initials Sorting Assistant concerned
b) It should be attested by the PM/SPM or Head sorting assistant
c) It should be destroyed and a fresh one prepared
d) It can be sent with corrections Ans: c(90)
132. The ascertained weight of the ins article noted against the entry in the regd /parcel list
a) Should be initialed by the PA/SA b) Initial is not necessary
c) Initialed by both PA & PM d) None of these Ans:a(97)
133. While closing of insured bag the parcel sorting assistant should
a) Show all the insured parcel entered in the list to the HSA
b) Include all the Insured parcel entered in insured bag in the presence of the
c) Close the insured bag in the presence of the HSA
d) All the above Ans:d(92)
134. The Postal Index Number (PIN)
must contain: -
(a) 5 digits (b) 4 digits
(c) 7 digits (d) 6 digits Ans:d(107)
135. Minimum amount taxed on unpaid / insufficiently paid articles posted in post is: -
(a) Re. 1/- (b) Rs. 2/-
(c) Rs.5/- (d) Rs. 6/- Ans: - (a)
136. Undelivered Acknowledgements cards are to be destroyed after: -
(a) 15 days (b) 1
(c) 4 months (d) None of the above. Ans: - (c)
137. Advertisement of products and services can be done through post office by using the
facility of _____ post.
a). Business b). Media
c). Direct d) None of these Ans a
138. Statement of half yearly weighment system in form No M-105 of prepared in
a) Duplicate b) Triplicate
c) Quadruplicate c) None of these Ans: c(234)
139. A object for trace a bag or value payable or insured article mail during its course from the office of dispatch to the office of final destination is a
a) Complaint b) Search Bill
c) Delivery note d) None of these Ans:b(210)
140. Mark correct option relating to robbery
a) When a robbery of the mail is committed on the high road, the postal official of whatever grade first receives information should be communicate to local police and to his immediate superior.
b) The supdt of post should communicate this info to magistrate , the police and Head of the region/circle.
c) A inventory should be prepared in duplicate of recovered items of robbery.
d) At the close of the investigation the final report should be sent to Head of the
e) All the above Ans:e(177)
141. Mark the correct option related to submission of robbery report to DG Posts
a) Case of highway robbery of mail involving loss of cash/valuables above Rs 50000
b) The attacks on offices by dacoits causing injury to the staff/losses over Rs50000
c) Cases of loss of damage to or tampering with ins article which the amount of compensation payable exceed Rs 10000
d) Cases of fraud and loss or misappropriation of public money exceeds Rs 50000
e) All the above Ans:e(176)
142. Rate of single post card is
a) 0.25 paise b) 0.50 paise
c) 0.75 paise d) None of these Ans: b
143. Rate of reply post card is
a) 0.25 paise b) 0.50 paise
c) 0.75 paise d) Rs 1/- Ans: d
144. Rate of printed post card is
a) Rs 1 b) Rs 2/-
c) Rs 5/- d) Rs 6/- Ans: d
145. Rate of competition post card is
a) Rs 10 b) Rs 12/-
c) Rs 5/- d) Rs 6/- Ans: a
146. Speed post of one India one rate up to 50 gm is Rs
a) 12/- b) 15
c) 22 d) 25 Ans: d
147. Cost of VPMO form is
a) 0.25 paise b) 0.50 paise
c) 0.75 paise d) Rs 1/- Ans: a
148. Aircraft mail divided into
a) Two category b) Three category
c) Four category d) Five category Ans: d(142)
149. UR letter in found office of deliver as unpaid should be charged Rs
a) 1 & postage b) 2 & postage
c) 5 & postage d) None of these Ans: c
150. Duty is performed by officials after the prescribed term of duty is called
a) Extra duty b) Essential duty
c) Over time duty d) None of these Ans: c(42)
151. The treatment given to an international parcel in the event of non-delivery is dependent upon:
(A) Sender’s instructions (B) Weight of parcel
(C) Condition of parcel (D) All the above Ans:a
152. Documentation in Form CN-23 accompanying international mail articles serves the purpose of:
(A) Despatch Note (B) Customs declaration (C) Statement of charges (D) Report in respect of irregularities
153. Mark the incorrect option:
(A) The special registration envelopes provided by the Post Office cannot be used for the transmission of unregistered article
(B) Reuse of a stamp that has already been used for payment of postage or postal fee is an offence under the Indian Penal Code
(C) Manufacture and use of fictitious postage stamps for any purpose whatsoever is an offence under Indian Penal Code
(D) Postage stamps which have been cut and separated from embossed envelopes or postcards can be used in payment of postage Ans:d
154. Mark the correct option:
(A) The weight of privately manufactured letter card should not exceed 3 gram
(B) The weight of letter should not exceed 4 kg
(C) The weight of registered parcel should not exceed 35 kg
(D) The weight of book packet should not exceed 2 kg Ans;a
155. What is the main function of a Sub Foreign Post Office?:
(A) To send direct bags to foreign countries
(B) To enable senders/addressees to present documents etc for the dispatch or release of their international articles
(C) To function as an intermediary office for closed surface transit bags
(D) To expedite the transmission of international mail Ans:b
156. The loss of a Speed Post article should be reported to the Police through FIR if the value of the contents of the article is:
(A) 2500/- or more (B) 4,000/- or more (C) 5,000/- or more (D) 10,000/- or more Ans:c
157. The Inward Correspondence Register concerning Public Complaints maintained in Record Offices in the Selection Grade should be checked personally by the Record Officer or the Officer authorized in this behalf:
(A) Daily (B) One in a week (C) Once in a fortnight (D) Once in a month Ans:b
158. No person shall send by post:
(A) Any postal article having thereon, or on the cover thereof any words, marks
(B) Any postal article having thereon designs of an indecent, obscene, seditious character
(C) Any postal article having thereon scurrilous, threatening or grossly offensive character
(D) The options under (B) & (C) above are correct Ans:d
159. A Press Sorting Office is:
(A) A RMS Office where the articles received from the various Presses and publishers are only sorted
(B) A RMS office situated on the premises of a newspaper publisher
(C) (B) above, plus where the articles received from the newspaper publisher is sorted and despatched and where the entire expenditure of the establishment of the office is borne by the newspaper publisher
(D) A branch of a Sorting Mail Office dealing with articles from Press / Publishers and Registered newspapers Ans:c
160. The advantage of a Transit Post Office is that the Post Office:
(A) Carries out the work of sorting in advance for other offices
(B) Reduces the weight of mails carried on mail lines
(C) Reduces the number of loose bags
(D) All three i.e. (A), (B) & (C) above Ans:c
161. On receipt of information of highway robbery of mails, the Superintendent should take steps to obtain:
(A) The place from where the mail was last despatched
(B) List of bags prepared in that office at (A) and particulars of their contents
(C) Particulars and contents of other registered articles, cash etc., included in the bags from the offices of posting or dispatch
(D) All information noted at (A), (B) and (C) Ans:d
162. While closing a Registered bag containing cash bag it should be sealed with:
(A) Date seal (B) Registration seal (C) Insurance seal (D) Cash seal Ans:c
163. If an article the registration of which is compulsory but which has not been registered is received for delivery in a PO, the addressee will be required to pay:
(A) Double the deficiency in registration fee and postage
(B) Double the deficiency in registration fee plus any postage due on the article
(C) Amount equal to the deficiency in registration fee and postage
(D) Amount equal to the deficiency in registration fee plus double the postage due
164. When an article, on being opened in the office of delivery is found to contain any intoxicating drugs, the importation of which is prohibited, it should be:
(A) Sent with all its contents to the nearest Collector of Customs (B) Forwarded to the RLO
(C) Retained in office and report made to Divisional Office for orders
(D) Made over to the police for further action And:a
165. A damaged article should be returned to the sender duly protected if its addressee does not attend the Post office to take its delivery within:
(A) 2days of the date of notice (B) 3 days of the date of notice
(C) 7 days of the date of notice (D) 10 days of the date of notice Ans:c
166. If an article posted in a Sub Post Office and addressed to a foreign country is found to contain anything the export of which is prohibited, it should be forwarded with remark “contains prohibited ........” to the:
(A) Office of exchange (B) R.L.O
(C) R.M.S (D) Head Post Office Ans:d
167. A bulk bag is defined as:
(A) A special bag of printed papers to/from addressees/senders in foreign countries
(B) A bag containing the mail posted by the senders in bulk
(C) A bag containing seasonal mail
(D) None of the above Ans:a
168. The printed papers enclosed in a bulk bag:
(A) Should be of the same addressee at the same address (B) May be of the same addressee with different addresses
(C) May be of different addresses at the same station
(D) May be of different addressees at different stations Ans:a
169. Speed Post Pass Port service was launched
a) 5th Mar 2001 b) Jun 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
170 Direct Post was introduced
a) Mar 2005 b) June 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:b
171. Express parcel Post was re launched
a) Mar 1999 b) Jun 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
172. Logistic Post services was introduced
a) 12th Aug 2004 b) 13th c) 13th Aug 2004 d) None of these Ans:c
173. E post service was introduced
a) Mar 1999 b) Jan 2004 c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:b
174. Bill mail service was introduced
a) Mar 1999 b) Jan 2004 c) Sep 2003 d) Aug 2002 Ans:c
175. Business Development Group was formed in Postal Department
a) 1st April 1999 b) Jun 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
176. Pin code system was introduced
a) Mar 1999 b) Jan 2004 c) 15th Aug 1972 d) Aug 2002 Ans:c
177. E Post Service Commenced
a) 2nd Aug 2001 b) Jun 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
178. The Surface Airlifted (SAL) was introduced
a) Mar 1999 b) Jan 2004 c) 1st Apr1999 d) Aug 2002 Ans:c
179. Speed Post service launched
a) 1st Apr 1999 b) 1st Aug 1986
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:b
180. One India one rate service in speed Post was introduced on
a) 21 Aug 2006 b) Jun 2005
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
181. When was sorting of letters in rail brought into operation
a) During 1837 b) During 1937
c) During 1737 d) None of these Ans: a
182. When was the first automatic Telephone Exchange established in
a) 1915 b) 1916
c) 1914 d) None of these Ans: c
183. When was the first mail motor van brought in to service
a) 1905 in England b) 1837 in England
c) 1905 in India d) 1905 in Mannilla Ans: a
184. When did the first Air Mail service started1911
a) 1915 b) 1916
c) 1914 d) 1911 Ans: d
185. When did the VP system introduced
a) 1877 b) 1882
c) 1880 d) None of these Ans:a
186. The RMS service was started
a) 1907 b) 1916
c) 1914 d) 1911 Ans: a
187. Meghdoot Award in postal department was introduced
a) 2000 b) 1984
c) 1998 d) 2005 Ans:b
188. Retail Post was introduced
a) 2nd Aug 2001 b) Aug 2000
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:b
189. Greeting Post was introduced
a) 6th September 2000 b) Aug 2000
c) 1st Apr 2001 d) Aug 2002 Ans:a
190 QMS was introduced in India
a) 1975 b) 1984
c) 1996 d) 1911 Ans:a
191. Compensation of speed post is
a) 500/- b) 1000/- c) The double rate of speed post charge d) Whichever is less of the B&C
Ans: d
192. Proof of delivery of speed post is Rs
a) 3/- b) 5/-
c) 10/- d) Free Ans:c
193. The rate of ePost is
a) Rs 5 per page A4 size b) Rs 6 per page A4 size
c) Rs 10 per page A4 size d) Free Ans:c
194. ITC Card den is
a) Three b) Two
c) Five d) Four Ans:a
( 100/-, 200/-, 500/-, issued by BSNL)
195. Mark the correct option relating to Insurance fee is
a) The Value of insurance not exceeding Rs 200/- is Rs 10
b) The value above Rs 200/- for every additional Rs 100 is 6/-
c) Both the above
d) None of the above Ans: c
196. Flat rate parcel rates
Flat Rate Parcel Boxes size |
Dimension of boxes (in mm) |
Weight (in Kg.) |
Tariff (in Rs.) |
Small - S |
250*50*300 |
0 to 1 |
125 |
Medium - M |
250*100*300 |
Above 1 to 2.5 |
200 |
Large - L |
300*250*200 |
Above 2.5 to 5 |
400 |
197. AML means
a) Authorized monitory limitation b) Advance Mail Line
c) Anti money laundering d) None of these Ans:c
198. Order stamp and the unpaid stamps should be taken
a) In a piece of paper which in turn should be kept in Guard file
b) in the same book of postmarks in which impressions of all the stamps and seals are taken
c) In a separate book of post marks to be kept in the personal custody of the postmaster
d) In the book of postmarks maintained by the delivery assistant Ans:c(103)
199. Mail bag is
a) A due bag b) Not a due bag
c) An unusual bag d) None of these Ans:a(28)
200. Unpaid letters which are posted open or insecurely closed
a) Should be sent to RLO
b) Should be returned to the sender duly enclosed in a service cover
c) Should be securely closed and forwarded to its destination in a service cover
d) Should be securely closed and forwarded to its destination. Ans:d(111)
201. If a customer booking speed article for Rs 50,000/‐ to 1,00,000/‐ in a month then what is the rate of discount applicable for the speed booking ?
a) 5% b) 3%
c) 4% d) None of these Ans:a
202. What is the main criteria to consider a customer as Bulk customer in speednet ?
a) Anyone who provides Rs.10,000 worth of Speed Post business in a month
b) Anyone who provides Rs 5000 worth of Speed post business in a month
c) Anyone who provides 5000 article in a month
d) None of these Ans:a
203. Who is the designated authority to enter into agreement on behalf of the Department for providing BNPL facility for Speed Post service at Head Post Office ?
a) Head of the Circle b) Divisional head
c) DG Post d) None of these Ans:b
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